Are dates over weight ?And what are its benefits ?

Are dates over weight ?And what are its benefits ?

I have abounded questions about the dates and the benefits to be derived when eaten, and many of the specialists said that the date is very useful for human health It helps when taken in moderation to regulate sugar levels in the body, and we will address the modern detailed report on the dates and questions abounded about the cause in increase Body weight and obesity caused by the injury and then we'll talk about the stages through which the dates during its growth and we will address to talk about the many benefits derived from eating dates. 

Are dates over weight 

The answer to this question, we draw what comes up, the calories it contains dates vary from one type to another and determine percentages of calories from each type of dates we get to answer the question Is dates cause an increase in weight Valtmr a kind dry or dried contain high proportions calories, and dates that opens the appetite and increase the demand for food intake and consequently cause an obesity and weight gain. 

Dates in its composition contains high levels of fiber, vitamins and minerals, as this date is an integrated component of diet and moderation when eating dates and small quantities of dates does not cause an increase in the incidence of overweight and obesity on the contrary, benefit greatly from the body of its components rich benefits. 

The dates when you eat frequently and in large quantities does not cause an increase in your body fat, but when the increase in consumption. 

And if you are trying to maintain a normal weight and lack of exposure, an increase in weight to avoid eating any kind of dates and fresh dates Ahtr that does not compromise your health and do not cause injury to its disposal an increase in weight. 

Stages of growth dates

Beginning stages of growth dates Baltalaa who knows that he is the first appearance of the fruit dates after fertilization process 4 or 5 weeks.


  The second stage of the growth of the dates and where Ngalr in the form of dates, which begins to increase in length and it relaxes and changes color and shows Mkhaddra becomes dates and the weight of the fruit of their large size and high.


  The third phase of the growth of dates, this stage is characterized by a slow increase in weight and color of the fruit becomes the dates tends to yellowing or


  At this stage, the fruits become sweet dates and water.


This is the final stage and the last because it is the cohesion of the flesh strength elongated and are almost dry surface of the shell and becomes a dark color.

The benefits of eating dates

  _ Works dates to regulate blood sugar, and that when you eat 3 beads or beads 7 am, and also cause a reduction of appetite. 

 _ Cause of dates in the treatment of many diseases, including alleviation of pain and constipation treatment

  _ Handles dates anemia disease or what is known as anemia and in order to contain high levels of iron

  _ Gives the dates of capturing the great energy and great activity

  _ Dates of easy to digest

_ Dates contain many minerals necessary for the human body and to strengthen the nervous system, including potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and calcium .

_ Working to facilitate the dates of birth in order to contain the hormone that regulates the heart Bitusan open. 

_ Dates, addresses the inflammation caused by rheumatic disease Algsabh .

_ Dates protects the intestine from cancer .

  There is much talk about the dates and for the many benefits, and what we need is a date that does not cause obesity when consumed in moderation. 


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