I will not celebrate New Year 's Eve because I am a Muslim

I will not celebrate New Year 's Eve because I am a Muslim

Anyone who looks at the reality of Muslims today noticed that many of them are living in a state of psychological defeatism in front of (the other) Advanced materially and spiritually Relapser .. Photos and Such is defeatism and psychological manifestations: blind imitation of the West, not in the taking of the reasons for the advancement and progress of physical science and industry and innovation and invention ... But in all that is inane and varmint, and even in some of the things associated with deviant Palmlh has, and Almassadma to our values ​​and the teachings of our religion .. Including: (celebration of the calendar year). It has publicized and spread this heresy of Christianity, unfortunately, among many Muslims: individuals, families and groups, and cursed the day so careful, but they have taken a feast for them!! Fterahm whenever approached New Year's Day preoccupied by her and pose .. When solved telecom night promised Hristiunha the same way that greets her by the Christians, where share their most precious gifts and best wishes and greetings and blessings, and kept many Almstlpin and defeated psychologically them to take pictures of their family members, especially children with Almottagmus for personal (Santa Claus) conviction cartoonist and beard white and meal red Long and his staff, in order to be blessed .. In addition to concerts fluid and organizing dance parties and sing immoral rake who lives on the land instincts and desires and emotions prompts cheap .. 

Thus, eliminate pollution and fills telecom night Almshorh various kinds of evils and immorality .. You see and hear some drunken shouting in the streets and alleys, and their voices rise and abusive insults and other plopped say and saucy speech .. Tlfa and even some of those drunken car they will promote in this state of being drunk in public, and Aarbdon out in the streets, leading often to the occurrence of catastrophic accidents and tragedies of different social .. And hear in noisy places specific music haunted eyes and hurt the owners of dormant hearts heartfelt ... 

How true in the mind of a Muslim to approve the Christians in their error and transgression, and share them in their festivals and celebrations (religious), and in this way hybrids?! 

Moreover, what should be taught every Muslim to themselves Christians celebrate the birth of Christ, peace be upon him has no basis in Christianity before they are exposed to distortion, not based on any historical evidence, there is no evidence whatsoever to link the birth of Christ, a particular month or a specific day .. But Christians inherited the reverence these days, especially on the twenty-fifth of December, which allege that day he was born (Jesus), from the old gentile, especially Romania. 

This has been a holy day when most of the ancient pagan peoples .. 

It was the day he was born god (Sol Invictus) by believing rum, before the birth of Christ, a time long, so they celebrate it, and they take a feast called Eid (Alsaturnalaa). The day he was born of God (Jang T) by the ancient Chinese belief. The day he was born a Hindu god (Krishna), and the Anglo-Saxon god (Jaowayol), the Scandinavian god (Thor) ... 

On the occasion of the celebration of this day the Roman annually, as mentioned, chosen by the Roman emperor (Constantine) in the fourth century AD Kamilad's (Jesus), and then continued the celebration by Christians to this day .. 

Not every Muslim Vlie these facts, and Yerba himself from participating in the celebrations on the occasion, which has not to our religion and Oaruffina onion. It knows that the scholars of Islam as a whole may Ocefqgua and agreed on the prohibition of the participation of Christians in this religious occasion for them, because of the subordination and blind imitation; Because engage in such celebrations by groups of Muslims represents a kind of alienation of religious and cultural heritage and civilization, and a clear indication on Metamorphosis personal and solubility and the defeatism and rotation in the orbit of the ailing humiliating dependency of the West Bank, and life, and this is not satisfactory for us our religion .. We are a distinct nation, we are the best nation raised up for people, our civilization and our history, and our holidays are sufficient for us from engaging in the celebrations has no relevance to us. 

We were warned very street wise warning to follow the Jews and the Christians and their tradition and Mwalathm, including their participation in their own festivals. He says: do not follow the whims of a people who had strayed by Odiloa much and strayed from the straight path} The Almighty said: {O you who believe, do not take Jews and Christians as protectors. Some of them parents. It is you, it turns them. Allah does not guide the unjust people}. Meaning the state mentioned in the verse: show victory, love, and their followers in the Platform for their lives. 

In the hadeeth narrated by Abu Sa'eed may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet peace be upon him said: «" will certainly follow the ways of it before you Shubra inch arm and arm, even if they entered a lizard's hole to Atbatamohm. " We said: O Messenger of God, the Jews and the Christians? He said: "It is?!" ». In Sunan Abi Dawood narrated from Abdullah ibn Umar that the Prophet peace be upon him said: «Whoever imitates a people is one of them». 

Here, to be alert to imitate, who warned him of the Prophet peace be upon him talk is to imitate the non-Muslims what should patent it, which specialize him of their religion and what was the slogan for them, and that "the celebration of New Year's Eve"; because it is linked to their religion . This is the correct meaning for-like, which excludes the consent in ordinary things, especially if you were not their own, or if Otaha one without the intention of imitating; because many religious people today confuse them up, but they mix in this matter between the associated religion and related habit. 

This, if the Christians, and other holders of sects and deviant, ignoring our feasts and our events and do not celebrate it, but many of them mocking them, let alone we celebrate their milestones (religious) and salute to their year?!. 

And I can assure that it did not satisfy us Christians one day what they with us in this time when it was told by another proof of our Lord Almighty said: (you will not be satisfied with the Jews and the Christians until you follow their religion). The sincerity of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him when he told the right to speak the emergence of imitators of his nation violators them in the religion, he said: «" The Hour will not even take my take centuries before Shubra inch cubit, "was asked: O Messenger of God, like the Persians and the Romans? He said: "Those are the people?!" »Bukhari from Abu Huraira. And the introduction: Is the biography, said: take the person to take the person, any biography walked. The meaning is that this nation will follow the legacy of Nations before the Jews and the Christians ... 

And confirmation of the above, say counseled: that it is incumbent upon every Muslim should be proud of his religion and faith, and distance himself from the post of the Christians, optionally, in the celebration of these days, especially for New Year's Eve. He should not be shiny, I do not know him or torque, imitate others blindly, says: I am with the people that do good well done, though abused Aces, but he has to use his mind, and resigned the same, so that the best people are the best, though abused that avoid their offenses were, Accordingly, before that and after that is guided by the teachings of the true religion, and kept on the integrity, nor go along with deviants in deviating or misguided in their error ... Then he has to realize that and Istiguen committed in telecom night of evils and vices disown them and the perpetrators of our Lord Jesus Christ the son of Mary, peace be upon him, which is the name of birthday celebrations telecom loud. 

We ask Allah, the Almighty to return this nation to its debt in response beautiful, so Tnatq from the shackles and bondage of dependency blind to the other, and regain Jeritha, excellence and leadership, and occupy downloads Sunni Boaha by God, namely: 

the certificate on the people and leadership for them. Amen.


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