Atlantis legend between fact and fiction

Atlantis legend between fact and fiction

Do you know what is Atlantis?

  The lost continent, the island of mythological and a great civilization had flourished around 9500 BC in! Located in the Atlantic Ocean near the Straits of Gibraltar this legendary island mentioned by Plato and the rationale for its disappearance is the shamelessness of its people and committing sins openly. * Plato said Toulon grandfather when he visited Egypt told his priests for this continent default, and since that time Atlantis ignited the imagination of writers and historians

Some evidence espoused by some scientists believe the presence of Atlantis as a historical fact:

1 - Maps studied by the famous sea (Columbus) before America was discovered to contain a fee to the Big Island does not exist at the moment, scientists believe it is Atlantis itself .

  2 - Researchers have found on the wall of a length of 120 km in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean is not known yet if the remains of the lost continent .

3 - water stream known as the (Gulf Stream) stemming from the American continent and the vector of the continent of Europe is divided into two parts in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean like wraps on the ground! Scientists believe that this branching caused by the presence of an ancient continent of Atlantis .


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