Specification which combines the perfect woman by men ?

Specification which combines the perfect woman by men ?

Has located the man in love with silly girl, which  innocence and drifting in the marriage of vulnerable women that are easy to fold between the corners of Wall Home, which does not oppose his orders, and serve as to satisfy the ego and feel as a man who has the last word, but at the same time respects women bold and estimated strong personal. 

Proof recognition of more than 90% of the men that they may take advantage of good woman, vulnerable and living with a romantic relationship or a special relationship away from the marriage, but they love and respect women's bold, because the weak subject may be boring and non-renewable in the relationship do not need them, but spend times of quiet and warm, but they soon What about moving away and do not marry her, but the man who likes to control or who wants to rest his head problems and engage in dialogue, this was confirmed by a recent U.S. study. The study, to be averse than men earning provocative hostility since the first meet her, and women prefer smooth strong soft, firm, and is a good villain, and that does not allow one to play her feelings or exploited because they know what you want.

Fleeing from the official link: 

If a woman is good give free of charge at the first word of love, a woman strong give or inhibit always on time and as much as it takes, and despite the fact that some of their favorite wife, but many refuse to link to, especially if a respected position in their work, they consider the power of her personality a challenge to their manhood, and tangible evidence seems clear high rate of spinsterhood among smart, educated women in the work of prominent, The more certificates hanging on the wall, the less number of suitors who are knocking the door. According to Dr Mohamed Sayed Khalil, a professor of social psychology ethics of Ain Shams, some men may find the marriage of a woman of character traits a strong kind of challenge to their manhood and their control of the house while consider working with her comfort because they can rely on, while there are another group of men considered marry a lady strong personal catalyst for them to progress forward in the work, home and social life are complementary to them and not challenge them.
He adds: "We see in many cases some women refuse to promotion in their work so as not to be Drjthen functional and their income is better than their husbands, especially in Eastern society even maintain their entity of family and home, and it depends on the personality of the man and not the woman's personality, it is not a defect be ambitious lady at work, home and parenting ".

 Love confident in herself

The women self-confident  Ofer with men, because they love their confidence in themselves, they will not open the gates of hell on them because of jealousy, or lack of confidence in their love.
Therefore the man who is married to a woman with a great deal of self-confidence may fingernail peace of mind and get rid of the early problems of women's petty nonsense.

A self-confident also does not impose itself on the man never, it is a must that seeks behind his desire to marry her so much, so you do not feel that the man involved in the link. It also does not haunt her telephone communications to make sure the charity if a little late for an appointment and arrived at the house, or if Bsarh has been linked with his friends.
  She is a woman and a mysterious man can not predict their actions, Faahq is the constant renewal of his life with her.

Specifications idealism

  Despite the different tendencies and human desires, but there is a common specification for Women combines the most idealistic men and always are looking for a partner in their lives. Which refers to a survey conducted in the United States, pointing out that men are attracted to:


It is the opposite, "Aldluah" or dependency, do not wait for the man to meet its demands, always rely on itself, as well as a woman flying like to travel and meet new people.

Fine tempting:

  Any attractive women is stilted in its beauty, which does not resort to the artificiality.


You can address the heart of the man Baklha, can feel her love without authorization to do so, so you can keep a man in a state of alert and stimulates constant.

Beloved friend:

Listen to him when in need of it, share it positively of his career, at the same time be a sweetheart and pampered daughter in the bedroom. 


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