Hotel Altaputa or psoriatic in China

Hotel Altaputa or psoriatic in China

Designed by the famous Russian company Remy Studio (Remistudio) Bmsaah program of disaster-resistant architecture of the World Federation of engineers, architects.
Altaputa hotel is designed in the form of a rainbow and the curves are constructed using wood and iron cables with a layer of plastic , which Annzv himself instead of glass to give it a wonderful sight cause for joy and comfort.

The hotel was a surprise because he is supposed to be harmonious with the environments of earth and water, where he mm in order to float on the water surface to face the floods This hotel needs to 14,000 square feet of curves in the form of seashell and cables distributed on the weight of the entire hotel, which means it is resistant to earthquakes also. 

As the light was purified so that they use natural sunlight throughout the day to reduce the need for electric lights 

This hotel has been designed so that it uses renewable energy from solar cells and rain water harvesting system to provide the needs of the guests of energy, water and also uses wind power and heat pumps and means for energy storage and conversion. 


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