Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

Lineage peace be upon him:
Is Abu al-Qasim Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim bin Abd Manaf bin Qusay bin dogs ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b bin Loay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Nadr bin Kenana son of Khuzaymah son aware Ben Elias bin Mudar Bin Nizar bin contagious Adnan. This is agreed upon in the lineage peace upon him and also agreed that Adnan was born Ismail, peace be upon him.

His names peace be upon him:
Jubair ... extend this review »

Lineage peace be upon him:
Is Abu al-Qasim Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim bin Abd Manaf bin Qusay bin dogs ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b bin Loay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Nadr bin Kenana son of Khuzaymah son aware Ben Elias bin Mudar Bin Nizar bin contagious Adnan. This is agreed upon in the lineage peace upon him and also agreed that Adnan was born Ismail, peace be upon him.

His names peace be upon him:
More Jubayr ibn restaurant that the Prophet peace be upon him said: {The me names, and I am Mohammed, Ahmed I, and I Determining which Allaah erases my disbelief, I am today that people will be gathered on my feet, and I carriage which is not beyond a [agreed] . And Abu Musa Ash'ari said: The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and called us the same names, said: {I am Mohammed and Ahmed, Almagafi, and am today, and the Prophet of repentance, and the Prophet of mercy} [Muslim].

Purity of lineage peace be upon him:
I know Rahmana God and you that our Prophet Mustafa grip on the whole may Sun God father of slip adultery, Fuld peace be upon him from marrying properly has been born of the butcher, narrated and  ibn al-Asqa may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him said: {The God Almighty chosen from Ould Ibrahim Ismail, chosen from Ould Ismail Kenana, chosen from among Kenana Qureshi, chosen from Quraish Bani Hashim, and Astafana of Bani Hashim} [Muslim], and when asked Hercules Abu Sufyan ratios Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: { is in us a ratios, said Hercules: as well as the apostles sent in the proportions of her people} [Bukhari].

Birth peace be upon him:
Born peace be upon him on Monday in the first month of spring, said in the second of it, and was told in the eighth, and was told in the tenth, and was told in the second century. Ibn Kathir said: correct and that he was born in the elephant, has been narrated by Ibrahim ibn al-Mundhir cingulate Sheikh Bukhari, Khalifa bin Khayat and other consensus.


Scientists said Sir: what carried him safe said: What I found him weight, and when he appeared out with light lit between the east and the west.
In an interview Arabad Ben force may Allah be pleased with him said: I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says: {I God in the Book of Seal of the Prophets, though Adam منجدل in the mud, and Sanbikm interpret it, call Abraham, Bichara Issa his people, and the vision of my mother, who saw , he came out of her light lit his deficiencies Sham} [Ahmad and Tabarani].
And his father died peace be upon him is carried in the womb of his mother, and was told months after his birth and was told a year, and the first famous.

Breastfed peace be upon him:
Breastfed parents Mulap Abu Lahab days, then Astrda him in Bani Saad, Verdath Fads, and then lived in Bani Saad, approximately four years, the construction of his heart there, and extracted him self and Satan luck, Ferdth Halima to his mother after that.
Then his mother died Balaboa he was going to Mecca, the son of six years, and when he passed the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Balaboa he was going to Mecca in conquest, ask permission Rabbo to visit the tomb of his mother authorized him, wept and cried around him and said: {Visit the graves they remember death } [Muslim]. When his mother died Houdnth Umm Ayman a female relative he inherited from his father, and guaranteed by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, and when he reached the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him-old eight years grandfather died, and recommend it to his uncle Abu Talib Vkvlh, and degrading completed Haath, and victory and burdens while the mission of God dearest Nasr and did support although he was going on a company that died, Fajvv God so of torment as the hadeeth so.

Maintenance Allah him, peace be upon him from Conception ignorance:
The Almighty God has immunity and Hama from a young age, and cleansed of Conception ignorance and every defect, and give him all create beautiful, so you do not know the people except the Secretary, what they saw from the purity and sincerity of his talk and honesty, so that what she wanted Quraish renew building the Kaaba in years Thirty-five years old, until they reached the position of the Black Stone disagreed those who put him first into them, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: The Secretary, imposed by, ordered gown, he put the stone in the middle, and ordered each tribe to raise next aspect of the dress, Then he took the stone placed him misplaced peace be upon him. [Ahmad and Governor and corrected.

His marriage peace be upon him:
Married Khadija has twenty-five years, and had left to Syria in the trade have with soft Ghulamha, saw soft what Behrh would, and what was shown by the honesty, when he returned told his mistress what he had seen, Frgbt him to marry her.
She died God bless them before migration in three years, did not marry other until she died, when he died God bless her married peace be upon him Sawdah girl Zama, then married peace be upon him Aisha girl Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with them, and did not marry any virgin other, then married Hafsa girl Omar bin Khattab, may Allah be pleased with them, and then married Zaynab girl Khuzaymah bin Harith God bless her, and married Umm Salamah and her name India girl illiteracy God bless her, and married Zaynab girl colt God bless them, and then married the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Juwayriyah girl Harith, may Allah be pleased, then married Umm Habiba, may Allah be pleased and called Ramlet said Hind bint Abi Sufyan. He married after the opening of the Khyber Safiya bint shy bin Akhtab may God bless them, and then married Maimuna bint Harith, may Allah be pleased, the last of married Messenger of Allah upon him.

Sons peace be upon him:
All Sons peace be upon him from a male and a female of Khadija, except Ibrahim, it is Maria Coptic donated by him Muqawqis.

Males from his son:
Denominator and has been nicknamed, and lived for days easy, and the clean and good.
It was: I was born Abdullah in Islam فلقب good Batahir. The Abraham Fuld city and lived two years and died two months before Allah bless him and three months.

Daughters peace be upon him:
Zainab's largest daughters, and married Abu Aas bin spring, the son of her aunt, Paper married Uthman may Allah be pleased with him, and Fatima married Ali ibn Abi Talib may Allah be pleased with him bore him Hassan and Hussein leaders of the youth of Paradise, Umm Kulthum married Uthman may Allah be pleased with him Paper may Allah be pleased with them all. Al-Nawawi said: Girls four no difference of opinion. The three boys on the right.

Driven by peace be upon him:
Sent peace be upon him for forty years, he sat down King bhraa on Monday to seventeen night devoid of Ramadan, and if descended upon revelation has intensified and changed the face and the sweat of his brow.
When the king came down to him told him: Read .. Said: I am not a reader, Vgtah King until he reached him the effort, then said to him: Read .. He said: I am not a reader's three times. Then he said: {read the name of your Lord who created, created man from a clot, Read and thy Lord is Most Generous, who taught by the pen, Taught man that which he knew not} [leeches :1-5]. Returned the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to God bless her trembling, told her what happened to him, Vthbtaath said: preach, and both God and does not disgrace never, you have to reach the uterus, and ratify the talk, and bear all, and had the ravages of age.
Then after the revelation, he stayed Messenger of Allah peace be upon him God wills to stay did not see anything, became distressed so and longed to divine revelation, then show him the King of heaven and earth on a chair, and secure, and ravenously that the Messenger of Allah really, when he saw the Messenger of Allah upon him feared him and went to Khadija and said: These words .. Dtheroni, Allah revealed: {OO, Arise and warn, and your Lord magnify, and your garments purify} [Amma :1-4]. Ordered God in these verses that threatens his people, and invite them to God, Vhmr peace be upon him for leg commissioning, and has in obedience to God did do, calls to God and young, free and slave, men and women, black and red, and he heard his worshipers of God from each tribe who wanted God win and survival in this world and the hereafter, and infiltrated Islam Noor and insight, overtook them fools Mecca harm and punishment, and Sun God messenger and Hama uncle Abu Talib, he was honest obeyed them, noble among them, do not dare to surprise with something in the order Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to know of his love for him.
Jawzi said: and stayed three years gloss prophecy, then descended upon: {Himself will take care what you are commanded [stone: 94]. He announced pray. When he came down the verse: {And warn your tribe kin} [poets: 214], the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him even ascended Safa exclaimed (O صباحاه!) Said: Who is this who cheer? They said: Muhammad! Vajtmawa him and said: (Do you see if I told you that the horses out the foot of this mountain أكنتم مصدقي? They said tried you falsely. Said: I warner to you in the hands of severe torment. Said Abu flame: Woe to you, but brought us only for this? Then he, sat down saying Almighty: the hands of Abu Lahab perish} to last sura. [agreed].

Patience peace be upon him harm:
And received Allah bless him and adversity of his people he is calculated Saber, and ordered his companions to get out to the land of Abyssinia to escape the oppression and persecution they went out.
Ibn Ishaq: When he died Abu Talib won Quraish of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him from harm unless covet where his life, narrated by Abu Naim Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: {As Matt Abu Talib Tghmua Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said: O uncle soon found miss}.
In correct: that peace be upon him and was praying, and Salé roots close to him, took him an obstacle ibn Abi, threw on his back, and he kept in prostration, even Faatimah Volguenh came back, and he said then: {O you Mullah of Quraish}. In individuals Bukhari: an obstacle ibn Abi took days Bmenkbh peace be upon him, and twisted his clothes in the neck, Fajngah strangled strong, came Abu Bakr Vdfh his and said Otguetlon man that says the Lord God?

Mercy may Allah bless him and his people:
When intensified harm to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him after the death of Abu Talib and Khadija God bless them, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to Taif called tribes Thaqif to Islam, and did not find them but stubbornness and ridicule and abuse, and threw stones at him until Admoa his heels, he decided to bless upon him return to Makkah. Said peace be upon him: {started - means of Taif - and I am sad to me, not Ostvq but I Ozltinay - meeqaat people of Najd - raising my head If cloud may refute, I looked, if the angel Gabriel peace be upon him, indeed he: that God has heard the words of your people for you, and returned to you, send you the king of the mountains to tell him what you want them, then he called me King of the Mountain, has sent me to you Lord for Tomrni including you wish, if you wish to apply the Alokhcpin them - Jblan Mecca - The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: but I ask God to come out of the solidity of the worship of God alone, not associating anything with Him [agreed].
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him out in every season, presents itself on the tribes and say: {Aawyne? Of Anasrna? Qureshi may منعوني that reported the words of my Lord! }.
Then the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him met at Aqaba in season six turnoff called them فأسلموا, then returned to the city they called their people, even Fsha Islam in them, and then they sell the first hurdle and the second, and was secretly, and when he has ordered the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him from was with him from Muslim immigration to the city, they went Arsala.

Emigrated peace be upon him to the city:
Then the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him is Abu Bakr to the city so he headed to the cave of Thawr, Voqama it three times, and me ordered the Quraish, and then entered city Vtlqah people amplitude Balreh, built his mosque and his home.

Conquests peace be upon him:
Ibn Abbas may Allah be pleased with him said: When the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him from Mecca Abu Bakr said: dragged prophet God and to Him we return, to Ahlkn, revealed God Almighty: {ear to those who fight because they have wronged [al-Hajj: 39]. It is the first verse was revealed in the fighting. The Messenger of Allah invaded peace be upon him twenty-seven invaders, fought them in nine: Badr, and a, and Risaa, and the trench, and Qurayza, and Khyber, and conquest, and nostalgia, and Taif, and sent six and fifty confidential.

Hajj of the Prophet peace be upon him and Aatmarh:
Did not perform Hajj of the Prophet peace be upon him after he emigrated to the city only one argument, an argument farewell. The former Amra Hudaybiyah repelled detest them. The second Amra of the judiciary, and the third the Amra Aljarana, and fourth umrah with his argument.

Described peace be upon him:
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him four, not long nor quite some, flower color - any white whiter tinged with reddish - I feel, Adj eyes - any severe Soadahma - bare - no not cover hair chest and stomach -, a leaked - any his hair be in the center of the chest and abdomen.

Morals, peace be upon him:
The peace be upon him the most generous of people, and believe them to tone, Olinhm of course, and the most honorable of ten, he says: You are creating a great} [Pen: 4]. The peace be upon him encourage people and exemption people and most modest, and it was peace be upon him more shy than a virgin in her seclusion, accept the gift and reward them, and does not accept charity nor eat, nor angry for himself, but angers the Lord, and was peace be upon him eat what found, not by what attended, does not spend unless attended, and was not eating leaning nor Juan, and was going through Crescent then Crescent then Crescent, and kindles in verses peace be upon him fire, and was peace be upon him sit with the poor and needy and patients are back and walking in the funeral.
The peace be upon him flirting does not say but really, and laughing is chuckling, was peace be upon him in the profession of his family, and said: {Jerkm kind to his wife and I am the best for my family} [Tirmidhi and horses, said Anas may Allah be pleased with him: I served Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ten years, what he said the thing I did: I did, not for something I did not do, not do such and such!!.
Still may Allah bless him and softens moral character and show them miracles, his Vanhq moon, and spring water from between his fingers, towards the trunk, and complained to sentences, and told Bagheiob was also said.

Bounty peace be upon him:
Jabir bin Abdullah may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him said: {given five did Aathen a tribal: Nusrat horror march month, and made me land a mosque and pure, whenever the man of my ummah prayer pray, and transmitting spoils me has not been resolved before me, and given intercession, and the Prophet sent to his people, and has written to all people [agreed]. In members of the Muslim from Anas Prophet, peace be upon him, he said: {I am the first people intercede on the Day of Resurrection, and I am more prophets depending on the Day of Resurrection, and I am the first of the knocks on the door of Paradise}. In its members from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet, peace be upon him, he said: {I am Mr Adam was born on the Day of Resurrection, and the first to bolt his grave, and the first intercessor and the first combined}.

Worship and living peace be upon him:
Said Aisha: {The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him is so Taataftr feet, told him about it, he said: do you not be a thankful slave [agreed], and said: The bed, which sleeps at night from Adam stuffed Leiva! ! In an interview with Ibn 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him said: I saw the Messenger God's peace be upon him remain today twisted finds Dqla fill his stomach - and AD wretched dates -!! What harms minimum of what he has done a master of the living and the dead, then praise be to God who made us from the nation, and God grant us success to obey him, and حشرنا book and enacted Amen, amen.

Of the most important events:
Flowers: The three years before the Hijrah and it imposed prayer.

First year: immigration - the construction of the mosque - to move towards the establishment of the state - the imposition of zakat.

Second year: Great Battle of Badr and glorified believers and their victory over their enemy.

Third year: a foray defeat occurred because of violation of instructions of the Prophet peace be upon him and the attention of the soldiers to loot.

Fourth year: Banu Nadir and evacuated Messenger of Allah upon him Jews built Nadeer from the city because they broke the Covenant between them and the Muslims.

Fifth year: Banu Mustaliq foray parties and Banu Qurayza.

Sixth year: Khudaibiya, and this year denied categorically forbidden wine.

Seventh year: battle of Khaybar, and this year entered Messenger of Allah upon him and Muslims Mecca and Aatmarwa, and also married Messenger of Allah upon him descriptive bint shy.

Eighth year: the battle of Muta between Muslims and Roman, and the conquest of Mecca and the Battle of nostalgia against tribes Hawazin and educated.

Ninth year: the Battle of Tabuk, the last conquests peace be upon him, and this year provided delegations Messenger of Allah upon him and people entered the Islam, and named this year in delegations.

Tenth year: Farewell, and pilgrimage with the Prophet, peace be upon him more than one hundred thousand Muslims.

Eleventh year: the death of Messenger of Allah upon him and was in on Monday of the first month of spring with a difference in determining the day of the month. He died peace be upon him with the age of sixty-three years, including forty years before his Prophethood, and twenty-three years old prophet messenger, including thirteen years in Mecca, and ten years in the city, may Allah bless him and his family and companions and peace.

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