الأسئلة الأكثر شيوعا لقرعة أمريكا

 الأسئلة الأكثر شيوعا لقرعة أمريكا

ما هي نشرة الفيزا أو  Visa Bulletin

هي نشرة شهرية تصدرها دائرة الهجرة الامريكية تحدد فيها كل شهر و تحديدا 15 من كل شهر حدود الارقام التي يمكن لاصحابها التقدم للفيزا 
لذلك يعتبر ظهور نتائج الفيزا بلتان بموقعها الرسمي :

 مرحلة مهمة حيث يتطلع المشارك لمعرفة برمجة و ترتيب مقابلته بالسفارة وذلك بناء على الرقم التسلسليء الكايزنمبر  Case Number

ما هي الأوراق اللازمة ؟

عقد الازدياد + الترجمة 
السجل العدلي + الترجمة
شهادة اثبات الوضعية للخدمة الوطنية (لبعض الدول كالجزائر مثلا) (المغرب لا يوجد) + الترجمة
حسن السيرة السلوك+ الترجمة ( لا تخص الجزائريين)
شهادة البكالوريا+ الترجمة
الشهادة الجامعية ان وجدت + الترجمة
جواز السفر
صورتان شمسية من فئة 5*5
الملف الطبي
الرد الثاني او ورقة الموعد

الاوراق اللازمة للفحص الطبي ؟

 لابد من الاتصال و أخذ موعد فيُطب منك ان تفطر بشكل عادي و ان تجلب معك هذه الاوراق 
جواز السفر
نسخة الصفحة الرئيسية لجواز السفر
3 صور شمسية عادية 
+ ورقة الموعد ضرورية (موعد المقابلة في القنصلية)
ملاحظة : ان كنت متزوج فيجب على الزوجة ان ترفق معها نفس الاوراق للفحص الطبي

ما هي عناوين العيادات ؟

 عناوين العيادات المتعاملة مع السفارة الامريكية 
عيادة الازهر, جنان عشابو دالي براهيم . الجزائر العاصمة
رقم 4 دالي براهيم 
Tél : 00 213 21 91 73 96
29 74 91 21 213 00

Fax : 021 91 74 29

الدكتور أحمد كردالي . الدار البيضاء .الجزائر العاصمة
مقابل ثانوية بوضياف ,علما ان احد الاعضاء معنا جازاه الله خير اضاف انه ما اصبح يشتغل مع السفارة
tel:+213 21 505271/ +213 21 506990

Dr. Alain Guidon 
Rue Mohamed Ben Ali 6 
Ex: Jean Jaurès)
Quartier Gauthier 
Tél: 0522- 26-71-53 

Dr. Abdelouahed Ambari 
14 Bd. Ain Taoujtate 
Imm. Riad 2eme Etage 
Bourgogne ‎- Tel : 0522-26-89-73 

Dr. Khadija Zirari 
29 Rue Taha Houcine 
( Quartier Gauthier 
Tel : 0522-49-16-80/81

متـــى يكون التسجيل في قرعة أمريكا ؟

التسجيل يكون إبتداءً من الثاني من شهر 10 (أكتوبر)

هــل الشخص الفائز في قرعة امريكا لهاته السنة يمكنه التقدم في القرعة للسنة القادمة ؟

نعم يمكنه ذلك

هل عنوان الشخص في امريكا ضروري للحصول على التأشيرة ؟

نعم ، يجب ان تتوفر على عنوان شخص مقيم في امريكا ، ويجب ان تكون لك به معرفة سطحية (عمره ، عمله ، طريقة هجرة للولايات المتحدة الامريكية) 

ليــست لدي باكلوريا ، فما هي الوظائف المقبولة ؟ 

وظائف Zone 4 المقبولة

Job Zone Four: Considerable Preparation Needed
13-2011.01  Accountants   Bright Outlook Bright Outlook
15-2011.00  Actuaries
25-2059.01  Adapted Physical Education Specialists Bright Outlook
25-3011.00  Adult Basic and Secondary Education and Literacy Teachers and Instructors
11-2011.00  Advertising and Promotions Managers
17-3021.00  Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians
17-2011.00  Aerospace Engineers   Green Occupation Green
13-1011.00  Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes
17-2021.00  Agricultural Engineers
53-2011.00  Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers
13-2021.02  Appraisers, Real Estate
11-9013.03  Aquacultural Managers Bright Outlook
17-3011.01  Architectural Drafters Green Occupation
27-1011.00  Art Directors
29-9091.00  Athletic Trainers Bright Outlook
19-2021.00  Atmospheric and Space Scientists Green Occupation
25-9011.00  Audio-Visual and Multimedia Collections Specialists
13-2011.02  Auditors Bright Outlook
17-2199.01  Biochemical Engineers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
19-4021.00  Biological Technicians
11-3051.04  Biomass Power Plant Managers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-2031.00  Biomedical Engineers Bright Outlook
27-3021.00  Broadcast News Analysts
13-2031.00  Budget Analysts
13-1199.04  Business Continuity Planners Bright Outlook
15-1199.08  Business Intelligence Analysts Bright Outlook
25-2023.00  Career/Technical Education Teachers, Middle School
25-2032.00  Career/Technical Education Teachers, Secondary School
17-1021.00  Cartographers and Photogrammetrists
17-2041.00  Chemical Engineers Green Occupation
19-2031.00  Chemists Green Occupation
21-1021.00  Child, Family, and School Social Workers Bright Outlook
27-2032.00  Choreographers
19-4061.01  City and Regional Planning Aides
17-2051.00  Civil Engineers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
13-1031.01  Claims Examiners, Property and Casualty Insurance
15-2041.02  Clinical Data Managers Bright Outlook
11-9121.01  Clinical Research Coordinators Bright Outlook
27-2022.00  Coaches and Scouts Bright Outlook
27-1021.00  Commercial and Industrial Designers Green Occupation
11-3111.00  Compensation and Benefits Managers
13-1141.00  Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists
11-9199.02  Compliance Managers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
11-3021.00  Computer and Information Systems Managers Bright Outlook
17-2061.00  Computer Hardware Engineers
15-1143.00  Computer Network Architects
15-1131.00  Computer Programmers Bright Outlook
15-1121.00  Computer Systems Analysts Bright Outlook
15-1199.02  Computer Systems Engineers/Architects Bright Outlook
11-9021.00  Construction Managers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
27-3043.04  Copy Writers
13-1051.00  Cost Estimators Bright Outlook
13-2041.00  Credit Analysts
29-2011.01  Cytogenetic Technologists Bright Outlook
29-2011.02  Cytotechnologists Bright Outlook
15-1141.00  Database Administrators Bright Outlook
21-2021.00  Directors, Religious Activities and Education
27-2012.02  Directors- Stage, Motion Pictures, Television, and Radio
27-3041.00  Editors
11-9031.00  Education Administrators, Preschool and Childcare Center/Program
17-3029.02  Electrical Engineering Technologists Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-2071.00  Electrical Engineers Green Occupation
17-3029.03  Electromechanical Engineering Technologists Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-2072.00  Electronics Engineers, Except Computer Green Occupation
25-2021.00  Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education Bright Outlook
11-9161.00  Emergency Management Directors
17-2199.03  Energy Engineers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
13-1041.01  Environmental Compliance Inspectors
19-4091.00  Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health Green Occupation
19-2041.00  Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health Green Occupation
13-1041.03  Equal Opportunity Representatives and Officers
13-2051.00  Financial Analysts Bright Outlook Green Occupation
13-2061.00  Financial Examiners
11-3031.02  Financial Managers, Branch or Department Bright Outlook
17-2111.02  Fire-Prevention and Protection Engineers
45-1011.06  First-Line Supervisors of Aquacultural Workers
41-1012.00  First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales Workers Bright Outlook
33-3031.00  Fish and Game Wardens Green Occupation
19-1012.00  Food Scientists and Technologists
19-4092.00  Forensic Science Technicians
19-1032.00  Foresters
13-2099.04  Fraud Examiners, Investigators and Analysts Bright Outlook
53-6051.08  Freight and Cargo Inspectors
17-1022.01  Geodetic Surveyors Bright Outlook
15-1199.05  Geographic Information Systems Technicians Bright Outlook Green Occupation
19-4041.01  Geophysical Data Technicians Green Occupation
19-2042.00  Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers Green Occupation
15-1199.04  Geospatial Information Scientists and Technologists Bright Outlook Green Occupation
27-1024.00  Graphic Designers Bright Outlook
21-1091.00  Health Educators Bright Outlook
11-3121.00  Human Resources Managers
13-1071.00  Human Resources Specialists
19-2043.00  Hydrologists Green Occupation
17-3029.05  Industrial Engineering Technologists Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-2112.00  Industrial Engineers Green Occupation
17-2111.01  Industrial Safety and Health Engineers Green Occupation
15-1121.01  Informatics Nurse Specialists Bright Outlook
15-1122.00  Information Security Analysts
15-1199.09  Information Technology Project Managers Bright Outlook
41-3021.00  Insurance Sales Agents Bright Outlook
13-2053.00  Insurance Underwriters
33-3021.06  Intelligence Analysts Bright Outlook
27-1025.00  Interior Designers
27-3091.00  Interpreters and Translators Bright Outlook
25-2012.00  Kindergarten Teachers, Except Special Education
17-1012.00  Landscape Architects Green Occupation
11-1031.00  Legislators
25-4031.00  Library Technicians
13-2071.01  Loan Counselors
13-1081.00  Logisticians
13-1081.02  Logistics Analysts Bright Outlook Green Occupation
13-1081.01  Logistics Engineers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
11-3071.03  Logistics Managers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
11-9199.08  Loss Prevention Managers Bright Outlook
13-1111.00  Management Analysts Bright Outlook
17-3029.06  Manufacturing Engineering Technologists Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-2199.04  Manufacturing Engineers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-2121.02  Marine Architects
17-2121.01  Marine Engineers
13-1161.00  Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists Bright Outlook
11-2021.00  Marketing Managers Green Occupation
17-2131.00  Materials Engineers
15-2091.00  Mathematical Technicians
17-2141.00  Mechanical Engineers Green Occupation
17-2199.05  Mechatronics Engineers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
29-2011.00  Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists
13-1121.00  Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners Bright Outlook
25-2022.00  Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education Bright Outlook
29-9099.01  Midwives Bright Outlook
17-2151.00  Mining and Geological Engineers, Including Mining Safety Engineers
27-1014.00  Multimedia Artists and Animators
25-4013.00  Museum Technicians and Conservators
27-2041.01  Music Directors
15-1142.00  Network and Computer Systems Administrators Bright Outlook
17-2161.00  Nuclear Engineers Green Occupation
29-9011.00  Occupational Health and Safety Specialists Green Occupation
19-1031.03  Park Naturalists
43-4051.03  Patient Representatives Bright Outlook
13-2052.00  Personal Financial Advisors Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-2171.00  Petroleum Engineers
17-2199.07  Photonics Engineers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
27-3043.05  Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers
21-1092.00  Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists
27-2012.01  Producers
17-2111.03  Product Safety Engineers
27-2012.03  Program Directors
43-9081.00  Proofreaders and Copy Markers
11-2031.00  Public Relations and Fundraising Managers
27-3031.00  Public Relations Specialists Bright Outlook Green Occupation
13-1023.00  Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products
11-3061.00  Purchasing Managers
11-3051.01  Quality Control Systems Managers Bright Outlook
19-1031.02  Range Managers
39-9032.00  Recreation Workers Bright Outlook
29-1125.00  Recreational Therapists
11-9199.01  Regulatory Affairs Managers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
13-1041.07  Regulatory Affairs Specialists Bright Outlook Green Occupation
19-4099.03  Remote Sensing Technicians Bright Outlook Green Occupation
27-3022.00  Reporters and Correspondents Green Occupation
13-2099.02  Risk Management Specialists Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-2199.08  Robotics Engineers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
41-3031.02  Sales Agents, Financial Services Bright Outlook
41-3031.01  Sales Agents, Securities and Commodities Bright Outlook
41-9031.00  Sales Engineers
11-2022.00  Sales Managers Bright Outlook
41-4012.00  Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products Bright Outlook
41-4011.00  Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific Products Bright Outlook Green Occupation
25-2031.00  Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education Bright Outlook
27-1027.00  Set and Exhibit Designers
11-9151.00  Social and Community Service Managers
19-4061.00  Social Science Research Assistants
15-1132.00  Software Developers, Applications Bright Outlook
15-1133.00  Software Developers, Systems Software Bright Outlook Green Occupation
15-1199.01  Software Quality Assurance Engineers and Testers Bright Outlook
19-1031.01  Soil and Water Conservationists Green Occupation
25-2053.00  Special Education Teachers, Middle School
25-2054.00  Special Education Teachers, Secondary School
11-3071.02  Storage and Distribution Managers Green Occupation
21-1011.00  Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors
11-9199.04  Supply Chain Managers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-1022.00  Surveyors
27-2012.04  Talent Directors
27-2012.05  Technical Directors/Managers
27-3042.00  Technical Writers
11-3131.00  Training and Development Managers
13-1151.00  Training and Development Specialists Green Occupation
17-2051.01  Transportation Engineers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
11-3071.01  Transportation Managers Green Occupation
19-3099.01  Transportation Planners Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-2199.02  Validation Engineers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
15-1199.11  Video Game Designers Bright Outlook
11-9121.02  Water Resource Specialists Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-2081.01  Water/Wastewater Engineers Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-2199.10  Wind Energy Engineers Bright Outlook Green Occupation

وظائف Zone 5 المقبولة

Job Zone Five: Extensive Preparation Needed

29-1199.01  Acupuncturists   Bright Outlook Bright Outlook
23-1021.00  Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers
29-1141.02  Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses Bright Outlook
25-1041.00  Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary
29-1069.01  Allergists and Immunologists Bright Outlook
29-1071.01  Anesthesiologist Assistants Bright Outlook
29-1061.00  Anesthesiologists
19-1011.00  Animal Scientists
19-3091.01  Anthropologists
25-1061.00  Anthropology and Archeology Teachers, Postsecondary
23-1022.00  Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators   Green Occupation Green
19-3091.02  Archeologists
17-1011.00  Architects, Except Landscape and Naval Green Occupation
11-9041.00  Architectural and Engineering Managers Green Occupation
25-1031.00  Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary
25-4011.00  Archivists
25-1062.00  Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies Teachers, Postsecondary
25-1121.00  Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary
19-2011.00  Astronomers
25-1051.00  Atmospheric, Earth, Marine, and Space Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary
29-1181.00  Audiologists Bright Outlook
19-1021.00  Biochemists and Biophysicists Bright Outlook
19-1029.01  Bioinformatics Scientists Bright Outlook
25-1042.00  Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary
19-1020.01  Biologists
15-2041.01  Biostatisticians Bright Outlook
25-1011.00  Business Teachers, Postsecondary
25-1052.00  Chemistry Teachers, Postsecondary
11-1011.00  Chief Executives Bright Outlook
29-1011.00  Chiropractors
21-2011.00  Clergy
29-1141.04  Clinical Nurse Specialists Bright Outlook
19-3031.02  Clinical Psychologists
25-1122.00  Communications Teachers, Postsecondary
15-1111.00  Computer and Information Research Scientists
25-1021.00  Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary
19-3031.03  Counseling Psychologists
25-1111.00  Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary
25-4012.00  Curators
29-1021.00  Dentists, General
29-1069.02  Dermatologists Bright Outlook
29-1031.00  Dietitians and Nutritionists
25-1063.00  Economics Teachers, Postsecondary
19-3011.00  Economists
11-9032.00  Education Administrators, Elementary and Secondary School
11-9033.00  Education Administrators, Postsecondary
25-1081.00  Education Teachers, Postsecondary
21-1012.00  Educational, Guidance, School, and Vocational Counselors Bright Outlook
25-1032.00  Engineering Teachers, Postsecondary
25-1123.00  English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary
19-3011.01  Environmental Economists Bright Outlook Green Occupation
17-2081.00  Environmental Engineers Green Occupation
25-1053.00  Environmental Science Teachers, Postsecondary
19-1041.00  Epidemiologists
29-1062.00  Family and General Practitioners
25-9021.00  Farm and Home Management Advisors Green Occupation
25-1124.00  Foreign Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary
25-1043.00  Forestry and Conservation Science Teachers, Postsecondary
29-9092.00  Genetic Counselors
19-1029.03  Geneticists Bright Outlook
19-3092.00  Geographers Bright Outlook
25-1064.00  Geography Teachers, Postsecondary
25-1191.00  Graduate Teaching Assistants
25-1071.00  Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary
21-1022.00  Healthcare Social Workers Bright Outlook
19-3093.00  Historians
25-1125.00  History Teachers, Postsecondary
25-1192.00  Home Economics Teachers, Postsecondary
29-1069.03  Hospitalists Bright Outlook
17-2112.01  Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists Bright Outlook
19-3032.00  Industrial-Organizational Psychologists Bright Outlook
25-9031.00  Instructional Coordinators
29-1063.00  Internists, General
23-1023.00  Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates
23-1012.00  Judicial Law Clerks
25-1112.00  Law Teachers, Postsecondary
23-1011.00  Lawyers Bright Outlook
25-4021.00  Librarians
25-1082.00  Library Science Teachers, Postsecondary
29-1122.01  Low Vision Therapists, Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and Vision Rehabilitation Therapists Bright Outlook
21-1013.00  Marriage and Family Therapists Bright Outlook
19-2032.00  Materials Scientists Green Occupation
25-1022.00  Mathematical Science Teachers, Postsecondary
15-2021.00  Mathematicians
11-9111.00  Medical and Health Services Managers Bright Outlook
19-1042.00  Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists Bright Outlook
21-1023.00  Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers Bright Outlook
21-1014.00  Mental Health Counselors Bright Outlook
19-1022.00  Microbiologists
19-1029.02  Molecular and Cellular Biologists Bright Outlook
11-9121.00  Natural Sciences Managers Green Occupation
29-1199.04  Naturopathic Physicians Bright Outlook
29-1069.04  Neurologists Bright Outlook
19-3039.01  Neuropsychologists and Clinical Neuropsychologists Bright Outlook
29-1069.05  Nuclear Medicine Physicians Bright Outlook
29-1151.00  Nurse Anesthetists Bright Outlook
29-1161.00  Nurse Midwives Bright Outlook
29-1171.00  Nurse Practitioners Bright Outlook
25-1072.00  Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary
29-1064.00  Obstetricians and Gynecologists
29-1122.00  Occupational Therapists Bright Outlook
15-2031.00  Operations Research Analysts
29-1069.06  Ophthalmologists Bright Outlook
29-1041.00  Optometrists Bright Outlook
29-1022.00  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
29-1023.00  Orthodontists
29-1199.05  Orthoptists Bright Outlook
29-2091.00  Orthotists and Prosthetists
29-1069.07  Pathologists Bright Outlook
29-1065.00  Pediatricians, General
29-1051.00  Pharmacists Bright Outlook
25-1126.00  Philosophy and Religion Teachers, Postsecondary
29-1069.08  Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians Bright Outlook
29-1123.00  Physical Therapists Bright Outlook
29-1071.00  Physician Assistants Bright Outlook
19-2012.00  Physicists
25-1054.00  Physics Teachers, Postsecondary
29-1081.00  Podiatrists
25-1065.00  Political Science Teachers, Postsecondary
19-3094.00  Political Scientists
29-1069.09  Preventive Medicine Physicians Bright Outlook
29-1024.00  Prosthodontists
29-1066.00  Psychiatrists
25-1066.00  Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary
29-1069.10  Radiologists Bright Outlook
25-1193.00  Recreation and Fitness Studies Teachers, Postsecondary
21-1015.00  Rehabilitation Counselors
19-2099.01  Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists Bright Outlook Green Occupation
19-3031.01  School Psychologists
25-1113.00  Social Work Teachers, Postsecondary
19-3041.00  Sociologists
25-1067.00  Sociology Teachers, Postsecondary
19-1013.00  Soil and Plant Scientists Green Occupation
29-1127.00  Speech-Language Pathologists
29-1069.11  Sports Medicine Physicians Bright Outlook
15-2041.00  Statisticians
29-1067.00  Surgeons
19-3022.00  Survey Researchers
11-3031.01  Treasurers and Controllers Bright Outlook
19-3051.00  Urban and Regional Planners Green Occupation
29-1069.12  Urologists Bright Outlook
29-1131.00  Veterinarians Bright Outlook
19-1023.00  Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists Green Occupation


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