Eggs a day saves many diseases!

Eggs a day saves many diseases!

As the eggs enjoy many benefits and it contains antioxidants more than twice the apple byrecent studies is known about the eggs it contains the best sources of proteins and lipids, vitamins and minerals, researchers recently discovered that they contain antioxidants help to prevent heart and blood vessel disease and cancer, note that they they checked the egg yolks produced by hens are fed corn and wheat.

The researchers found that the yolk contains Hamadan Aminaan enjoy the characteristics of antioxidants and found that the lecithin from egg enjoy antioxidant more than twice the characteristics of the apple is that if you were frying eggs or boiled Tkhvs these propertiesby 50 percent and more than the rate that was cooking eggs in the oven and the discovery of these two important Alhamadan Alamgnin also means the beginning of findingantioxidant properties in egg yolk is noteworthy that the study was recently published.

And must stay away from eating eggs and not a lot of eggs in the following cases theyinfected the pixels in the function of the liver and gall bladder stones and suffer allergiesfrom eating eggs and who have a sharp rise in cholesterol blood fat and those who sufferfrom asthma and sensitivity of chest disease and those who are infected with Bnchavarteries of the heart or brain and suffering from kidney infections, and gravel and sand.


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