10 smartest animals on the planet

10 smartest animals on the planet

If casting a saying : "Hey animal " do not get angry , there are those who wonder what animals and surprising severity of his wits , and this list of the ten smartest animals on earth , according to the rates were calculated scientifically .


Living chimpanzees in the tropical forests of West and Central Africa, an animal is capable of learning and performance tasks require thinking tidy, and has the best memory of all the animals, and the chimpanzee adapts to place easily and causes body language is developed that can communicate rapidly with rights.

2-nosed dolphin

Dolphin-nosed dolphins spire smartest species live in warm water, and noted that the size of the brain that dolphins too big, especially the section on social communication, data processing and information extraction and solving problems, it is easy to train the kind of dolphins

3- monkeys Dasas

Monkeys Dasas type of monkey known his intelligence, and often used in medical research, scientific, and has a good memory, too, and he can learn and make decisions for himself, as he is able to work facial expressions similar to those used by man, and some of those monkeys have suicidal tendencies also have the composition of complex social. 

4- elephants

There is now the world's three factions of the elephants live, two of them in Africa and platoon live in India, but they all inherit intelligent genetically exceptional, and in many cultures, the elephant is a symbol of wisdom, is believed to be the elephant Ghaderaly remember the places of water to drink them even if they moved away about a year . 

5- African gray parrot

There is the African gray parrot in the forests of Central and West Africa, and may be parrots generally known by its ability to simulate the sound of humans, but this type specifically capable of forming short phrases meaningful and relate to those birds to each other by singing and appeal and body language, and can be trained This type of parrots on a conversation with people and interact with them. 

6- giant octopus

Giant octopus live deep in the ocean or sea, it is the brightest of the same species, which includes a large group of well-known Alokhtaboutiat Bzkaúha in general, which is the smartest invertebrates on the planet, and has a high capacity to remember and sophisticated observation and the ability to solve problems. 

7- Dogs Border Cooley

The dogs Border Cooley strain between the smartest dog breeds as a whole, and optimal use is to guide the cattle and sheep, but it is also ideal when the dogs bred at home, which is the fastest in the strain of learning, and the original home of those dogs is Scotland and Wales. 

8- crows

Crows are among the smartest of all types of birds, crows can be prepared the figures, and distinguish between complex shapes, and the performance of tasks based on observation and memory, as they are together sophisticated social relations. 

9- mice

There are hundreds of species of mice in the world, which is the animal most popular in the field of scientific research, biological and chemical, and it is extensively used in psychological studies, and the reason for this is that the psychology of the mouse-like human psychology, and learn mice new behaviors and skills quickly, as they are animals developed socially. 

10- Spider Leaper

A smaller animal in the list, and live in the forests of the jumper spider Africa, Asia and Australia , which is the smartest in the world between his platoon , has been demonstrated in the lab a great ability to learn.


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