Tricks do not know about the application WhatsApp

Tricks do not know about the application WhatsApp

Tricks do not know about the application WhatsApp is a messaging application WhatsApp is one of the most used applications in the recent period on smartphones, where he owns a huge fan base and the popularity of a tyrant has made the company "Facebook" obsessed compared to the amount of a huge financial hit 19 billion dollars, and as this application has become Talk time thanks to this deal, it is suitable to tell you some of the commands and features that you may not know about WhatsApp. 

1) disable the feature Last Seen 

So as not to interfere in the problems you are indispensable because of the vision of messages your friends and ignore it, you can cancel the feature Last Seen final of the application by going to Settings> Chat Settings> Advanced and closing the option of Last Seen Timestamp on the operating system iOS, the users of smart phones running " Android "can access this feature through the application itself, through the option Hide WhatsApp Status. 

2) restore the previous talks 

To restore the previous talks and keep all your data on the application, then go to Settings> Chat Settings> Chat Backup and choose Back Up Now if you device users iOS, the owners of phones the "Android" they will need to use an application file manager to move the talks on track basic sdcard / WhatsApp / Media to another location and restore it later

3) Application Protection of others 

Angel phones "Android" and BlackBerry can prevent others from accessing the application using them their smartphones through property WhatsApp Lock in the program settings, which Trgmk to use a secret password to prevent others from snooping on conversations earlier, or scan images that you send to your friends. 

4) Shortcuts numbers 

To create a shortcut to any conversation to access them more quickly through the main screen, you can click on any conversation within the application for a brief period, and then choose Add conversation shortcut to move the conversation to the home screen automatically, and that the phones of the "Android", the mobile iOS would need to be using another application to reach such an advantage, which is the application of 1TapWA

5) To prevent images from appearing in the show 

To prevent the emergence of images received by the application of access to the Photo Gallery of your phone, you can turn off this feature through the Options Settings> Privacy> Photos and then click on WhatsApp for users of operating systems iOS, the owners of devices "Android" Faihtajohn to create a special folder to insert pictures app inside it directly without showing in the exhibition. 

6) Change the phone number in the application 

To change the phone number in the application does not need to be removed and re-installed again, but all you have to do is follow the following steps Settings> Account> Change number and then enter the phone number previously and the new number you want to use, and after the completion of the move will move all the previous talks the new number automatically. 

7) the installation of the application on Android Tablets 

To install the application on a computer tablet running "Android", you must initially disable the device's ability to read the log calls and messages, and then installing the application and the introduction of landline phone number and wait until the connection is the program of the landline phone and give the user access code consists of 3 numbers to activate the application. 

8) WhatsApp Chat Heads 

The application allows you to messaging your friends on the program through the phone home screen, just as happens with the application of the "Facebook" of the correspondence, which shows image of the person who Trazle on the home screen, but the application WhatsApp Chat Heads needs to be a Loose protection, since it is still in the phase of beta. 

9) Statistics 

In a version of the "Android" users can access their accounts statistics on the application, and learn more interaction with friends and people who communicate with you more than others, in addition to knowledge of data exchange files and correspondence groups which you subscribe. 

10) Notifications 

For application specific notifications on the home screen of your smart phone, you can install an operating system Pushbullet iOS, or use an application Desktop Notifications for the operating system "Android". 


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