Every girl dreams of a man

Every girl dreams of a man

Every man " girl of his dreams " , and the most important qualities that are considered important in a man's girl is :

1- The ability to make people laugh:

Man sees that a sense of humor is essential in women.

2- Spontaneity :

Without it , you may get the relationship between men and women in a state of boredom .

3- Humility :

Even though you are the most beautiful women in the world , remains humility is an important element in relation to the man , as he prefers to be a sweetheart beautiful and smart but not " arrogant " because the vanity , which can be fun from time to time , may adversely affect the look of the man and the community to women , and thus the relationship between them and her boyfriend , who may eventually get tired and leave .

4 - Intelligence :

Often some men prefer a woman correlation "smart" and able to have a conversation , rather than those that spend her time talking about diets , hair and make-up .

5- Ambition :

Considers that quality is important in relation to man .


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