Kiwi fruit - composition, and described its benefits ?

Kiwi fruit - composition, and described its benefits ?

Kiwi Dendritic dioecious plant unisexual Muammar 30-40 years climber prolific growth deciduous feminine flowers with a single ovary huge it Ubar dense flowers and large-sized clump note Alassadh bouquet in the form of dividends Mzgbh oval-shaped with a maroon color and the inside of her diet emerald green color with black lines radial contain edible seeds taste resembles a combination strawberry and pineapple.

Total weight of the fruit per between 70-120 grams and by category and enters the plant developed fruiting in its third or fourth of cultivation and by methods of breeding systems and upbringing and his health condition, type, and soil fertility incubator him and branches rapid growth, including branches Thmria characterized by heavily floral buds carried by the branches of vegetative and be Rhifah easy breakage when exposed to strong winds and by the age of branches in the lower bearing in its tip Bud Vase and thus the fruits during the next year. For irrigation, the plant is sensitive to the lack of water in the soil and hence the dates of irrigation and the amount of water and methods of watering very important, especially for Grass Boys and also must maintain the level of Rtoby between 70-90 percent of the orchard product and are advised to use localized irrigation dotting or spray Short does not allow collect water in the area spread They cause the roots to rot and smothering the roots. 

For the propagation of plant can propagation kiwi seeds which mostly for scientific research and either the method used and deployed it multiplication mind tender offer of appropriate service and start mind Baltjazir age of 30-60 days, according to temperature and include varieties kiwi varieties feminine and Hai Ward Roe and Brauno and Monte, and Abbott and varieties note is Tomori . According to historical studies that China is the original home of the plant where it is known there as the Yank Jintao. It is still his state of the wild in the forests and in the valleys, especially around the mouth of the Yangtze River.

Description of plant

Known in the world currently 36 strain of kiwi and all these breeds is a perennial plants up to the age of 30-40 years, which is either creeping or climbing trees or planted on the pillars also grown close to the walls of houses to Ttzlgaha or based. Kiwi attack leaves a large length of 8-12 cm and width 6.7 cm long with a holder, a bottom surface of Ubar severe short and dense.

Kiwi shrub up for pregnancy after 3-4 years of farming, while up to a full load after 8-9 years. Flowers with white color in the beginning and then turn into a creamy, flower diameter 3.4 cm. 

Kiwi components

Containing fruit kiwi 10% sugars and 1% protein, and mineral salts such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, and 80% of the weight of the fruit water, and science, the fruit contains about 150 mg of vitamin C, this ratio equal to four times what they contain citrus fruits, not outperform the kiwi fruits of its content, but the fruits of this vitamin briars mountain.

Medical benefits for kiwifruit

Sweet fruit tart delicious and thus benefit the body to get vitamin [C]. Kiwi seeds carrying Zeta Java and used a substitute of sesame seeds which are easy to digest and do not cause Hhoma harmful to the body. Its roots are used in medical treatment, including multi-scabies, itching and sensitivity of the skin. Fruit juice helps to address the acidity in the stomach. And the fruit, whipped medical benefits in the elimination of Ascaris worms, especially in the abdomen. 

Public benefits of kiwi fruit

Nutrition experts say that the kiwi fruit is very rich Pfaeetman c Each 100 gram contains 200 to 300 mg of Alvaatamen, while orange fruit contains 50 mg per 100 grams of kiwi also contains salts of phosphorus, potassium, iron.
Nutrition experts believe that the kiwi cover the body's need of Vaatamen c, and the most important benefits of the following:

Resistant tissue infections.

Disposal of cases of severe cold.

Increase the body's ability to self defense biological natural (mean immune activation in humans).

Resistance circulatory disorders.

Activate neural tissue cells.

Help patients with anemia. Help to stimulate the general weakness of the human physical.

Help in the digestion process.

Softeners of the gut.

Help to reduce the rate of cholesterol in the blood.

Used its leaves rich in starch, protein, and vitamin [C] great fodder for cattle.

Fibers be good material for making stock.

The resin is used in the Anaqidha profusely in making paper and rice straw paper stencils and pigment and plastic. 


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