The most important benefit of 11 in cardamom " cardamoms "

The most important benefit of 11 in cardamom " cardamoms "

Benefits cardamom seeds for the skin :

 those who believe that the seeds of cardamom is the basis to obtain the skin clean and healthy Working cardamom seeds to clean the skin .Thus, to get rid of all the toxins and gives it the appearance of.

- Some of the benefits derived from these seeds: 

1 - working cardamom seeds to moisturize your skin. 
2 - cardamom seeds are used for a long time as forces for healing and they are also good anti-bacterial. 
3 - help to increase the temperature of internal and external to the body. Thus, a stimulate blood circulation. 
4 - It is well known that it helps to nourish the skin and gives it the effect of quiet. 
5 - they are very useful for regulatory properties for the skin. 

- The benefits of cardamom seeds for hair: 

6 - This spice is good for the health of your hair., And help strengthen the roots. And help in getting hair brilliant and gorgeous. 
7 - cardamom seeds contain the oil and Aloe Vera when he left for one day. And heated well and then filtered. Remember that when you use oil that does not dominate the smell of cardamom. 

- Health benefits of cardamom seeds: 

Contains many medicinal benefits and healing abilities. Read the following health benefits: 

8 - Have you lost your appetite? Add some of cardamom powder, curry or chewing some seeds to open your appetite. 
9 - How many of us suffer from colds and headaches in the winter? Add the cardamom seeds to a cup of tea headaches will go in a jiffy. 
10 - Are you looking for a natural mouth freshener? Do you suffer from problems of mouth odor? . Do Bamada cardamom seeds are working to change your breath (halitosis)
11 - These seeds are the best solution to the problems of indigestion and flatulence. And help to improve digestion of foods. 
12 - It is rich in minerals and vitamins such as vitamin A, B, C and niacin, riboflavin, etc.. And help get rid of toxins in the body. And get rid of excess urea, calcium and other toxins. Therefore they are good and very useful for your health. 
13 - very useful for those who suffer from high blood pressure, it is time for the consumption of cardamom seeds on a regular basis. Because spices have the ability to stimulate blood circulation in the lungs. This helps to lower blood pressure. 
14 - The study showed that different cardamom seeds have anti-tumor properties and anti-bacterial. It is known to be rich in antioxidants. 
15 - it also works to improve the metabolism in the body. And strengthen immunity. 

This is in addition to some of the health properties of cardamom seeds: 

The original home of cardamom seeds are evergreen forests in India. And they are used as a spice in Indian cuisine. It was used in ancient medicine as a treatment for mouth ulcers and gastrointestinal problems, and even depression. There are health benefits for Hill in food. 

1 - digestion: 

Associated with the use of ginger and cardamom seeds in the treatment of digestive problems. And is also used in resistance nausea and acidity and the swelling and burning gases and loss of appetite and constipation. And more than that, 

2 - toxins: 

Where cardamom seeds help to get rid of toxins in the body. Where Hill can get rid of toxins through the kidneys. 

3 - get rid of bad breath when chewed after meals self-recovery works. 

4 - diuretic: 

Cardamom has a ratio of Aldettokssador diuretic. It helps to clean the urinary tract, bladder, kidney and get rid of excess water and salts and toxins. And resistance to infections. 

5 - treating depression as it contains anti-depressants. Medicine has proved that the Indian tea and a way to fight depression. 

6 - oral and dental health: 

In addition to that it helps get rid of bad breath. It is used in the treatment of mouth ulcers 

7 - inflammation of the mouth and throat, cold and flu influenza: 

These pungent spices It helps to prevent and relieve the symptoms of colds and flu. It's also used in the treatment of bronchitis. 

8 - Cancer: 

Studies show conducted on animals it helps to kill certain types of cancer. 

9 - Blood Pressure: 

It is a diuretic and rich in fiber. The seeds of cardamom reduce blood pressure. 

10 - blood clots: 

Prevent dangerous blood clots by inhibiting platelet aggregation and adhesion walls of the arteries. 

11 - Anti-oxidant: 

Contains many vitamins and phytonutrients and essential oils which work as antioxidants. Aging resistance. 


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