Twins and important facts

Twins and important facts:

Did you know that the twins speak their own language, the start of play together in the mother's womb. It's amazing to have twins in the family, be sure to deal with them will be completely different from the individual, because you will be obliged to handle two people at the same time as a single person. 

Statistics say that among the 80 births there is one case of twins. The genes are the main factor in the presence of twins, it can be any symmetric twin output of one egg split and carry the same genes then the children, or to be a twin asymmetric output of Bweidtin. The latter is more prevalent as a result of the spread of drugs to increase fertility and activation. 

Here we show you some of the scientific facts and important studies about twins:

1 - Twin represents 19% of the world's population of about 125 million people, and the percentage of identical twins 8% of the number of twins. 

2 - The rates of twin births in America Tawam 32 out of every 1,000 children.

3 - women after the age of 30 have an increased chance of having twins more than other less-lived.

4 - identical twins share the same DNA, but they do not have the same fingerprints. 

5 - Due to the limited size of the uterus is the birth of twin early about three weeks for the time of birth of natural descent of not more than gestation period of 37 weeks

6 -
Nigeria has the highest rate of multiple births of twins and most closely about 45 thousand, representing about 2% of the general population. Scientists explain that having eaten a lot of potatoes that are frequently photosynthesis by estrogen, which stimulates both the ovaries to produce eggs.

7 -
China has the lowest average rate of multiple births per 1 300 live births.

8 - a study showing vegetarians are less likely five times to have twins than women who consume a lot of meat and dairy.

9- 40% of the twins invent their own language that they work together.

10 - The average birth weight of twins is 5.5 kg. 

11 - Twin baby is born less than normal weight is supposed to be it therefore be more susceptible to long-term health problems, such as asthma. It can also be the mother of many displays of danger, where more than to have high blood pressure and the likelihood of developing diabetes. And often birth by caesarean section. 

12 -
the mortality rate for twins born to 5 times more than those who are born alone.

13 -
increased twins born in the United States increased by 30% since 1988.

14 - can not be the mother feels that in her womb more than one child unless it is detected radiation or detection of the pulse shows the presence of more than one child, where the heart beats more than. 

15 - the mother's body will produce more milk as much as the children need, as the stimulus to increase milk secretion path will be a multiplier, which leads to increased secretion. 

16 -
twin phenomenon also spread when animals such as sheep, cats, deer, and the proportion of twins in cattle between 1-4%.


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