Do you know what is the best age for marriage and childbearing women and men ?

Do you know what is the best age for marriage and childbearing women and men ?

Ask many of the ladies and mens what is the right age to give birth

Is less than twenty or thirty or after after forty, and is it true that after the age of forty-bearing poses a threat to the life of the mother and the fetus? , Many questions we ask and we answer them today. 

The best age for marriage for girls:

Confirmed scientific studies that early marriage for girls is much better than late marriage where that if the delay childbearing for the age of five and thirty stumble case of pregnancy and childbirth and increase the percentage of disease between birth and that early marriage is a line of defense and natural immunity to the girl of various cancers, especially breast cancer.

The woman's age and their ability to have children:

Linked to the ability to reproduce in women with PMS, which occurs during ovulation, which is ovulating each month from the ovary to the vaccination that is, the ability to reproduce or fertile period in a woman's life starting from puberty with the start of the menstrual cycle and ending access to menopause where interrupted menstrual cycle , noting that the course during the first year, and probably the first two years after the start of menstruation is often the first to be free of ovulation.
But it is obvious that the ability of women to reproductive not be fixed in the same capacity for the duration of fertility, meaning they change throughout that stage of the onset of menstruation while menopause

The highest period of a woman's fertility:

Found that a woman's fertility is at its most intense between sixteen and twenty-fifth and then slightly less melodic reach the age of thirty, and after this age gradually decreases while the non-existent with menopause. This confirms that the preference of marriage or early childbearing in women.

The best age to give birth in men:

Women also have a period during which the highest degree of fertility, and are between the age of sixteen until the fifth century, Vllrgel as well as the same thing was found that the man enjoys the highest degree of fertility or the ability to have children between the ages of twenty and Iirthyn, then less degree fertility gradually while virtually no at the age of sixty or seventy. But this does not mean that in this age man loses his ability to reproduce in some cases, a man can childbearing after the age of seventy. Intended fertility of man is his ability to have children and not being able to meet the wife.

Neglect of marital cohabitation delay pregnancy occurs:

Women also have a period in her life during which the highest degree of fertility, each woman a certain period during which the fertility peak during each menstrual cycle, and is the period during which the egg has matured and become ripe for pollination. Sit in the middle of this period of the menstrual cycle, namely the second ten days after the end of the menstrual cycle, while given to the first ten days "grace period" where do happen during pregnancy often neglected if both spouses marital cohabitation in the second ten days after their menstrual cycle This will delay the course of pregnancy. 


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