Longest Beach you can see the beach '' Holaga '' in Spain , closed beach does not see the sea! !

Longest Beach you can see the beach '' Holaga '' in Spain , closed beach does not see the sea! !

Strangest Beach can see is the beach where he Gulpiyuri beach without the sea!! Or rather without directly overlooking the sea, this beach is located in the town of Llanes, a small town on the north coast in Spanish

Surprisingly, this beach it is very small as you can see in the pictures do not think it is a pond or swimming pool, it is part of the beach, but part of a big ocean, but what makes this size is the caves dense Almichakph around him and herbs that have taken the view and overshadowed College, but the water is still penetrate the folds These caves to be a small beach as you can see in the picture!! 

Eyes may not see the vast ocean along the beach, but in fact is restricted for Alrup because those caves, however, enjoy this small beach waves and light water Mottagdidh beach is at the end of the matter regardless of its size. 

Have wondered yourself about how to configure the beach? The answer is simply that, over millions of years has helped in Hfronfaq sea waves underground and that arrived through which cold water coming from the Bay of Biscay or Alkrantek Sea, which eventually formed the beach.

 and these are some pictures of the beach. 


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