Benefits herb Saints فوائد عشبة القديسين

  Benefits herb Saints   فوائد عشبة القديسين

 Herb St. herbaceous plant Muammar known as Alheiogarriqon, the original home of the plant is the UK and Europe and Turkey, and in the Asir region in the Kingdom, part of the plant used parties flowering and contains plant oil pilot and Hieberesen and semi Alheieresin and flavonoids, plant uses an antidepressant and cramping and alerts the flow of bile and interferon, taken small Mlemlakh of plant powder and added to fill a cup of boiling water and leave for ten minutes and then filtered and drink an average cup in the morning and another in the evening, there is a standardized preparations of this plant is sold in food stores.

Rediscovered efficacy in the treatment of depression extract of the herb St. John known to the Arabs by other names, such as herb forgotten, and the League of heart was the herb used for centuries to heal wounds, burns and depression in folk medicine.

But recent studies have shown benefits as a natural remedy for depression to the extent comparable to the drug known as Prozac and had doctors Germans newly study compared the effect of extract of this herb - a substance called Alheiberekm - drug Amapramen to treat depression at two hundred and Sixty-three people with sad kind of moderate team found doctors County Hospital Aandashot to Article Heiberekm learned of the League of herb similar effect to heart anti-depression medication, but with fewer side symptoms .

And improved the lives of people with physically and mentally after eating a medical herb extract for eight weeks, and used the League of heart to the treatment of mild to moderate depression in Germany long ago. But new in the latest study that dose which was increased to 350 mg, taken three times a day, and the plant used drug in the past to address depression but had side effects more species currently available in the market, warns Professor Victor Parvit, of the British Association of Phytotherapy medical, that this herb only treat mild cases of depression, and severe depression that no need for full medical treatment, said Parvit Lamar Aslena We will not encourage at all marketing is responsible for the herb League heart.

The researchers, writing in the British Medical Journal say as many patients with depression do not receive treatment at all, or are receiving treatment is not sufficient after heart initial depression because they are at risk of seizures other, it is possible that the extract Alhaypriseyoum is the first choice alternative in most cases mild and moderate depression, herb available in the form of , and flowers, and extract Center, capsules, ointment, and tea .

The herb works inside the body in the same way in which they operate anti-depression medication. Any increase of the hormone serotonin is responsible for good mood, and a shortage of the hormone to the feeling of depression, but Dr. Adzard Ernst, who works in the Department of Alternative Medicine at the University of Exeter warns that the herb could impact the effect of other drugs covered by the patient.

And published medical journal The Lancet on Friday a comment for Dr. Ernest some cases reduce the use of the herb League Heart of the impact of anti-blood clotting pill in women rose by 40%, and attribute Dr. Ernest so that eating herb League heart leads to launch a range enzymes in the liver responsible for disabling the degradation of drugs in the body.

 Agree a large group of doctors currently described herb St. John "sold as a pill in pharmacies, food stores supplements GNC under the name (St. Johns Wort)" and also called Hieberkom Hypericum for their patients who suffer from depression simple to medium, having been used for decades in Europe, especially in Germany.

He says Norman Rosenthal (MD and a psychiatrist at the National Institute of Mental Health and the author of the herb St. John: herbal way toward feeling better) says there is no doubt that the herb is useful and effective.
In fact, many doctors see now the plant as the first drug must be tested before resorting to pharmaceutical antidepressants traditional, Kalprosak and Alrolovi. Is usually to these powerful drugs, serious side effects, unlike the herb St. John Boaradha reverse edits.

At the level of the world, the herb St. John is the most commonly used antidepressants and covered more than seven million dollars.
Has proven its efficiency Kamadadh for depression with numerous studies randomized double in Europe. And an analysis of several studies showed it spaced symptoms mild to moderate depression in whole or in part in 80% of the 3250 patients.
And can work with the same efficiency and perhaps better than pharmaceutical drugs, or next to them in some cases. The evidence about the herb St. John so impressive that the U.S. National Institute of Health has begun a major two-year study to examine the impact of the plant as a treatment for mild to moderate depression twelve U.S. medical centers Duke University is coordinating them.
The product was used by the researchers in the study is a German product subjected to comprehensive tests and is sold in the United States under the name Kiowa.
Alaktthab types addressed by:
* Mild depression
* Temporary nerve pressure if accompanied by depression or anxiety.
* Do moderate depression,
* Depression disease with sensitivity to side effects or worried thereon
* Winter depression (bug psychological quarterly, depression in the elderly, and Destemia (a low-intensity chronic unhappiness).
New research has shown the benefit of the herb St. John in particular in the treatment of winter depression, a mental illness quarterly infect people in the dark days of winter. The British investigators compared the herb St. John and treatment fund photosynthesis known for its effectiveness in relieving severe seasonal ills. After eight weeks of the herb St. John the same effect of photodynamic therapy, it is between 301 British suffer depression Away half continued use of phototherapy, and eat the other half the herb St. John. Symptoms subsided quarterly ills, including depression, sleep disorders, drowsiness, decreased by 39% in the intake this Ashabha, and 43% have used light therapy Fund, a nuance, the researchers acknowledged. Of course, taking a pill easier than using light box treatment.

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