Orchid drink and its relationship to the winter السحلب

 Orchid drink and its relationship to the winter

Many believe that the Orchid is one of the derivatives of milk and yogurt and others, and that the similarity of color and taste, and to enter the milk as a feedstock in its preparation. Is Muammar grow herb 60 cm high and has narrow leaves stained black, violet flowers leg. Iatkdabad Orchid animal material and not a vegetarian.

The part that is extracted from the Orchid roots that grind becomes real starch, so always sold Orchid in the form of powder, orchid has 50% resins and gel and protein and 30% starch and has calcium, minerals and essential oils. Ground Inmowalshalb in Iran, Turkey, Greece, Morocco, Cyprus, Morocco and Afghanistan.

Orchid winter drink
Orchid in the winter is granulated drink hospitality which demonstrates the generosity of the people and welcoming Guest House and to the high cost of original Orchid, and the acrid smell beautiful, and the thickness of the drink, which is a drink and food at the same time. Most available Asalhab country where Turkey is therefore working Orchid have two ways, hot orchis known in all the Arab countries, and provides orchis like Ice Cream known as Aldndromeh.

Health benefits Orchid

- Orchid is a general tonic for the body, and the cycle of blood tonic. Making mustache feel the warmth after drinking.

- Is a clutch drink to that is very useful in cases of diarrhea and stomach bleeding and treatment for ulcer and duodenal intestine.

- Used as a treatment for people living with intestinal colic and the common colon, and also treats people with TB.

- When mixed with milk it is very healthy food for children as it helps the healthy growth, and healthy bones and teeth.

* Prefers drinking Orchid in special cups decorated with pistachio and almond facial and Aljoso sprayed with cinnamon and can be mixed with ginger helps heating more.

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