Computer supernatural threaten stronger passwords

 Computer supernatural threaten stronger passwords

Became choose a password that is permeable extremely difficult after the disclosure of a computer supernatural can guess any password within hours and probably takes just 6 minutes.
The guess passwords one of the mechanisms break known as "brute force", if adopted "hackers" to break the protection program or site or computer to try to guess your password via workout huge number of possibilities, but that it may take a long time can be up to years when relying on traditional computers. 

But breaking the protection of these words no matter how powerful it will not take anymore more than hours after the company revealed "Strikcher Consulting Group," depends on the computer processors in 25 graphics card from the company "AMD" can workout 350 billion password per second , and the computer can penetrate any password of 8 boxes include letters, numbers and symbols in five and a half hours at the latest, note that it may not take more than 6 minutes, computer does not support Ripper on core processors, but uses encoding special position to invest processors graphics cards numbering 25 in this computer, and so do all the processing units in the computer at the same time to guess the password in the shortest time possible, and makes this computer passwords is safe at all, and certainly that the coming years will see the adoption of alternative technologies in the protection such as fingerprints or eye.

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