Seven sacraments in the human body

Seven sacraments in the human body

Peace, mercy and blessings of God man this puzzle, which stands in front of himself and asks her always who you are and how they made it anything done, so standing man ignorant in God and is asking himself such questions and God Almighty says, "In yourselves IFLA you see," and of course the believer in God Almighty knows he the creation of Madtdan the first body and the second Spirit As explained to us the Holy Quran that man was created from clay and then from a leech and then chew and then Ncih God created another blessed be God, the best creators In our time, which is considered the modern era with all the contents of the technology and modern progress in a variety of fields, including the field of medicine, who explained to us the secrets of seven in the human body identify them together. 

1 - the cornea of the eye is the only part that no blood is received.

2 - breathes rights in the 16th minute visits.

3 - left ear hearing stronger in the right ear.

4 - drank rights 2 tons of water annually.

5 - the Human brain consists of 14 billion neurons.

6 - the number of red blood cells in the human body 25

Billion distasteful.

7 - The length of the arteries of the human body 600 thousand kilometers.

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