The finest resorts in the world - Angsana Velavaru

The finest resorts in the world - Angsana Velavaru

Imagine thousands of miles away island, with palm trees, golden beaches and crystal-clear lake turquoise shimmering in the tropical sun. Imagine the warm sea breeze caressing your body, and the most colorful fish darting in and out of the picturesque coral gardens, and a romantic stroll on the beach. Imagine the two of you, with all the time in the world to do as much or as little as you want?? 

Angsana Maldives is made up of 79 Velavaru and 33 villas on the island InOcean Velavaru exclusive villas of water. The island itself has a stunning villas and land is a magical island retreat. Latest add Villas InOcean is outstanding, fully built on the water, just 1 km from the island by boats that are available. Guests enjoy exclusive Villa InOcean and this above water, shelter and in addition to access to the facilities and services available on the island full Velavaru
Angsana Velavaru is located in South Atoll Nilandhe, 146km some seaplane ride 40-minute drive from the airport Hulhule. It is one of only two resort islands boast pristine natural environment and unrivaled scuba .

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