The biggest house in the world trees

The biggest house in the world trees

Give you the biggest house in the world trees.

Located in the U.S. state of Tencisa city of Crossville's largest tree house in the whole world. Brings home high in the sky to include a 10-story, The American took Horace Burgess to build that house for about 11 years

Male Horace to the newspaper "Daily Mail" that he began to build his home Grand in 1993 after the saw in a dream a vision telling him that God asked him to build the house, which if accomplished would not know poverty never, but this was keen that includes home house of worship, as Zina religious symbols of Christianity . 
The house is located on a huge area covering 929 square meters, which is based on the 6 trees extend their roots in the ground. Home building cost about $ 12 thousand (45 thousand SAR), which is a little bit compared to this huge edifice, due to the adoption of Horace to build on the use of wood used by the ancient. The building houses from the inside stairs cylindrical shape which extends along the building, and a basketball court, and the number can not be  of bedrooms, the number of nails that rang in the house about 258 thousand nail help install wooden house, which stands tall at home  .


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