10 types of ferocious dogs for men too

10 types of ferocious dogs for men too

Stronger dogs around the world, known as the speed, strength and stamina, and before this .. to meet the owner.

Since time immemorial,
the dog fuller animal defined rights, due to its ability to Education and execute commands that require it, but it was not surprising the use of these animals in the police force and rescue operations, and many other things for her skill superior in dealing with dangerous situations. 

1 - Dobermann

Distinct type of dog known for flexibility, strength and used in the work of the police and anti-drug, also known for eyesight sharp and is used as a means to protect also the houses due to its strength in dealing with strangers and injury severely damaged if provoked, simply, is the dog in and is very suitable for all businesses, if the training is True. 

2 - Ruth Wheeler

Misunderstood dog greatly and some consider aggressive, this is wrong,  "Ruth Wheeler," know that they do not know how to deal with strangers and often defends the owner or his family only at all costs it does not allow someone else to approach them if you do not allow them to do so, however little training, can this type to become very convenient for fishing operations and protection, where a smart thing, speed and physical strength.

3 - German Shepherd 

Favorite type of dog because his ability to do many of the difficult things that humans can not do, is known for his work in the police force or in rescue operations, and used some of them in the armies of war, and thanks to being the dogs obedient implement it asks of them, also facilitates trained to carry out the functions of the unusual. 

4 - Labrador

Dogs of the assets of Canadian used in water works and the protection of ships and pull the boats on the beaches because of their ability to swim, also used as a protection figure for homes and public property, and is distinct from the others in its ability to deal with family members and all the strangers also as long as did not show any aggressive in dealing with him. 

5 - Rhodesia

Also known as the African Lion due to his physical strength and breathtaking speed terrible, owns scalp dense enables him to deal with places that include thorns, also deals professionally with predators such as snakes and crocodiles, and fit as a pet in the house where it is known for its ability to distinguish between malicious and friends, does not deal aggressively with strangers, and is known to fulfill the extreme and use it in the work of hunting and guarding. 

6 - Paul Doug

One of the types of dogs characterized by small size and appearance of the comedy bit, but at the same time know the strength and speed, and the defense of its owner with all my strength, Dogs "Bull Dog" are for use in the Marine Corps the U.S., no doubt, that shows how the power of these dogs and fulfillment. 

7 - Husky

A special breed of dogs living in snowy areas, characterized by its strength and its sharp, and are considered more dogs ate the meat and most predator, because they resemble wolves in several properties, characterized by dogs Inuit intelligence, strength and the ability to defend human beings, as you work greatly and can pull carts wood in cold regions and snow with ease. 

8 - English Mastiff

Word mastiff in the language of British is a word derived from the force, a metaphor for the strength of the dogs of this type that are used in hunting in England for more than 300 years, where you know its strength stunning and their ability to stand up in the face of the fiercest animals on earth, known as the dog also fulfill The strength and the ability to do many of the activities, but if left for a long period without work Sasiba laziness on the spot. 

9 - was Corso

Dog another English back to the origins of Italian, is similar with the mastiff in many qualities, but slimmer and lighter and more speed, and participate in sports professionally large, and can participate in fishing operations wild, you need these dogs to deal with it cautiously somewhat due to the instincts of aggression

10 - Bloodhound

One of the most important dynasties, which is loved by young and old, may not characterized by excessive force or the courage or the ability to catch, but it is very distinctive with respect to the smell, which can trace the smell of almost anything, such as people, drugs and prohibited substances, and can use this type of dogs in hazardous operations numbers large, for their ability to detect stealthy places, the use of the sense of smell perfectly. 


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