Orientalists about the sayings of the Holy Prophet Pray God be upon him

Orientalists about the sayings of the Holy Prophet Pray God be upon him:

In your hands now Gel interview some of the sayings of the Orientalists for our Prophet illusion scientists who are looking at things Eastern  and history and those Orientalists from impressed with the character of the master of creation and the good people have a great God and prayers be upon him, yet they did not enter the religion of Islam and did not wear his mantle, but the pens did not withstand recipes and morality and the miracle of the Messenger of Allah bless him and have written letters of light and saw the certificate right Strha history and will now offer some of the most important statements of these Orientalists: 

Michael Hart :

The man Muhammad was the only man in history who succeeded in the highest and most prominent in both the religious and secular levels .......... This unique Union, which is unparalleled to influence the religious and secular together that is empowered by the greatest figure in the history of mankind has affected ...

Dr / Michael Hart
Ph.D. in astronomy from Princeton University, author of the book (Immortals hundred greatest of Mohammed)

Edouard Monte :

Mohammed knew Bkhulus faith and fondling and fairness in governance, and integrity of the expression of thought and verification, and wholesale Muhammad was purer, convicted and merciful Arabs of his time, and the hardest to preserve the lead and guiding them to a life they never dreamed of before, and the foundations of a state of time and are still religious today

Edouard Monte (French philosopher Edouard Monte French Orientalist born in the town of 1817 1894 Okada said at last)

Montgomery Watt :

The willingness of this man to bear persecution for his beliefs, and moral nature, to those who believed in him and followed him, and they saw their leader and master, as well as the absolute greatness of his achievements, all evidence of justice and fairness inherent in the person. The assumption that Muhammad prosecutor assumption is more problems does not solve it. But there was no personal history of the great Western has not received adequate appreciation, such as Muhammad did.

Montgomery Watt, from the book "Muhammad in Mecca", 1953, page 52

French thinker Lamartine :

If the controls that measure the human genius is the end of His Highness and the amazing results despite the lack of means, Who dare to compare any of the greats of the modern history of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) in his genius? These celebrities have made weapons and enacted laws and established empires. Accrue not only laurels obsolete soon crashed in their midst. But this man (Muhammad (peace be upon him)) did not lead armies and has enacted legislation governing the empire and the peoples and rulers tame, but led millions of people was the third of the world then. Not only that, but he spent on the monuments and companions, religions and ideas and false beliefs.

French thinker Lamartine (Lamartine of the book "History of Turkey," Paris 0.1854, Part II, pages 276-277.) 

Jean-Jacques Rousseau :

"I did not see the world even today men managed to turn the minds and hearts of idolatry to the worship of one God only," Muhammad ", even if he had not started his honest honest what sincerity people closest to him, especially after he came up the sky the message for posting on his people Asalab minds and hearts, but the sky chosen carefully in order to qualify it carries the message was a small Vhb contemplating a lover of nature predisposed to isolation by himself. "

French philosopher Jean-Jacques 

And Sprepett. Arnold :

Such as the death of Muhammad we see all around the Arabian Peninsula almost owes him obedience, and if that's north Arabs were not subject at all to appear before the Emir of the political unit and is subject to the will of an absolute ruler. Among these various tribes, small and large, with the various elements that may reach percent, and that had not been interrupted for conflict and rivalry, created a message Mohammed single nation, has gathered the idea of ​​a common religion under the leadership of one of various tribes in one political system, a system that Sirte has its advantages in speed a source of amazement and admiration. And one great idea is that achieved this result, that is the principle of national life in the Arabian Peninsula idolatry, and so was the tribal system for the first time, though not eliminated it completely (it was impossible), something secondary to the religious feeling of loneliness. And culminated in the huge success of the mission, when Mohammed moved to the vicinity of his Lord was quiet and flapping the largest area of ​​the Arabian Peninsula, in the Arab tribes were not know before, with the severity of destruction and attaches to take revenge. The Islamic religion is the one who paved the way to this coalition. . . . .

English Orientalist and Sprepett. Arnold, in his call to Islam, pp. 37 

George Bernard Shaw :

"When I read the religion of Muhammad felt that a great religion, and I think that this great religion of the world will prevail one day near future if there is an opportunity for the NFL, that the world knows it without intolerance."

George Bernard Shaw
(British playwright) 

Bertrand Russell :

"I have read about Islam and the Prophet of Islam and found that religion came to become the religion of the world and humanity, teachings brought by Muhammad that ceremony by his book We're still looking and we hang them seeds and that we receive top awards for it."

Bertrand Russell, one of the philosophers of the UK adult and winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950

Says French Orientalist Gustave Le Bon (1841 - 1921 AD)

"If the measured value Bjalil their men was Mohammed [peace be upon him] from the greatest of them to know the history, and taking some Western scientists Ancefon Muhammad [peace be upon him, with that religious intolerance blind insights of historians, many thanks for the recognition ". 

St Helier :

(Mark Helier  is the German Orientalist born in Dresden in 1793 1884, said in his book (the East and beliefs)) Muhammad was the head of state and awake to people's lives and freedom, and punished those who Ijtrahon crimes by the conditions of time and conditions Tlcaljamaat brutality that was living prophet between midst, the Prophet was called to the one God and religion in the call to this nice and kind even with his enemies, though his personality traits are two of the qualities that endure to the human psyche, namely justice and compassion. 

Albert Einstein :

(Owner of the world famous physicist's theory of relativity): I think the mentality that Muhammad was able to consciously aware of what the Jews to achieve its objective in direct them away from the Nile of Islam, which is still so far is the force that created to replace them peace. 


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