" Kraft smart " heal broken bones quickly

" Kraft smart " heal broken bones quickly

"Kraft smart" heal broken bones quickly

Modern medical research has revealed about the possibility of a mechanism to accelerate the healing of bone fractures to reduce the duration to half, thanks to the development of "intelligent paper packaging" of one of the technology companies. 

He was on the wrapping paper technically smart name "membrane transplantation," and can provide healing faster and more balanced by attracting stem cells and fluids, while maintaining the soft tissue and prevent the growth of bones and fractures heal before.

The membrane serves as the developer plastic wrap can be cut by scissors to fit with bone fractures, and is absorbed naturally by the body after 10 months.

Has already been the use of materials that have been developed through which paper packaging operations in the smart repair teeth to replace bone grafts, as used on the animal bones as reduced recovery time in half. 


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