Lemon users can never do without it

Lemon users can never do without it:

Lemon is one of the named citrus plants and is one of the fruits , the researchers continued lemon due to areas in northern India , including in Asia and has spread around the world .

Lemon is one of the richest fruits in vitamins B and C, examples of the B vitamins or vitamin B2 riboflavin, which is important for formation of red blood cells and the production of antibodies, as well as Vitamin B-3 or niacin deficiency that leads to the disease pellagra. And also contains lemon on carbohydrate and a number of metal compounds such as calcium and potassium. In terms of vitamins C, it is important for healthy bones and teeth and gums. 

- Lemon juice health benefits:

1) lemon interferon and thus protects against colds and flu because it contains vitamin c. Boil the lemon with warm water and drink.

2) a diuretic, treats diseases of kidney failure and heartbreaking gravel and sand, as it kills the bacteria that live in the urinary tract.

3) deals with the pain of arthritis and rheumatism. It is also considered a tranquilizer.

4) treated skin allergies and that drinking it and put it on mitigating the place.

5) is used as an antidote to malaria, cholera, typhoid. 

6) strengthens the walls of the arteries and veins to the presence of material Rutin and Vitamin C.

7) is used to treat addiction to narcotic substances such as opium.

8) works to reduce uterine bleeding.

9) lemon works to maintain health and strengthen the body's immunity. 

10) Add a drop of fresh lemon water and drink it every day am protects and purifies the liver and intestines of toxins.

to achieve the natural balance of the body and restore your PH. As a result of acidic lemon creates an alkaline environment in the body Dagel. 

contains lemon citric acid, which prevents the formation of any grit or calcium deposits in the kidney and gall bladder.

also contains lemon flavonol glycosides, which have a significant role in slowing the growth of cancer cells and tumors.
14) lemon juice kills intestinal worms.

regulates blood pressure, lemon, Vallimon very useful in cases of high blood pressure.

According to Lemon cases of asthma patients. Relieves the symptoms.

Eye disorders: Contains lemon on hesperidin, which helps in solving the problems of the eye, especially in the cases of the eye and the lack of albumin purity of vision.

patients with diabetes: lemon reduces rates of high blood sugar.

- The benefits of lemon peel:

1- Restaurant (with aromatic flavor).

2- Expels mosquitoes.

3- Perfumed skin and clothes. 

- The benefits of lemon seeds:

1- Sink to the level of blood sugar.

2- Strong calming the nerves, delightful, modifies mood.

3- Anti-allergy especially skin and nose. 

3- Lemon aesthetic benefits:

1) Lemon is the best processor for hair .. Fasirh dissolves the fat and regulates apocrine glands of fat, which is the ideal material involved in the installation of the lubrication shampoo to treat hair, but experts advise to choose the shampoo that contains real lemon, and avoid shampoos that fragrant lemon only. And you can rinse your hair with lemon by boiling lemon peel and rinse hair after shampooing, which earns hair luster and concludes hair from peels and fungi.

2) Lemon is used directly on the skin, preferably left for two or three hours, so when you massage with olive oil and juice the lemon, which is also useful to dissolve dead cells of the skin, and gives super softness and makes it more glamorous, and it can be used for the treatment of moles

3) removes tartar; and use it on the brush or a piece of cotton scrubs teeth.

4) You can use remover to sweat after your bathroom daily, which is the best way to maintain your body smell good.

5) also helps to strengthen nails and remove stains and left them more beautiful, use a combination of lemon, olive oil and fat nails. 


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