Why the story may not be in Islam for women to shake hands with a man?

Why the story may not be in Islam for women to shake hands with a man?

The story should read ...

A British man came to Sheikh and asked:
 Why is it not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with men?

He said you can shake hands with Queen Elizabeth?

British citizen, said:
 of course not, there are people who can shake Queen Elizabeth. 

Sheikh replied:

 our women's Queen and Queens do not shake hands with men.

 British man then asked Sheikh:
 why girls hide the body and hair?

Tabassum Shaikh and taking two candy, open one and the other was closed. Delivered Monday on the dusty ground, the British said: If I asked you to take a trick, which will you choose?

The British responded:
 I have closed.

This is the way we treat our women. 

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