7 most dangerous roads around the world

7 most dangerous roads around the world

The most dangerous roads in the world and which vary between sudden turns, and falling from the top of the mountain, or traffic next to the military clashes.

There are many remote areas in the world that is home to a limited number of people, and find them escape from the use of dangerous methods cause disasters every year and the death of dozens of people, but the only way available to them to end their daily business. 

1) Tibet Highway , China:

Is located at the eastern end of the Qinling Mountains, south of the province, "Shaanxi", known
Its narrow size and great height above the ground, its construction dates back to the year
The third century AD, but the area has been expanded more than once, and though it was witnessing
7500 death
of every 100 driver A driver passing by, and after the cable has been installed
In China in
1990, has become a popular tourist site sweeping. 

2) Ryan Valley , New Zealand:

A very narrow road made the center of a high plateau, no one can pass
Through it, and needs to be very skilled drivers to avoid any danger may Akabloha through
Transit, in many cases, end up falling down the slope and death on the spot. 

3) tunnel Liang, China :

Through the pass between two mountains, where it enters the drivers of the mountain and out of the
The other to go through a very narrow road overlooking directly on the ground, needs to drivers
Professionals to ensure transit successfully, and often reside slopes and narrow places may
Infect everyone who passes him terrified. 

4) the Karakoram Highway, Pakistan :

Is the highest international road in the world, linking China and Pakistan across the mountain range  Karakoram, reaches a height of about 4693 meters, which is always prone to flooding
And ground vibrations, and worse, that road is paved, but nonetheless  The tourist site because it passes many historic areas. 

5) James Dalton Highway, Alaska :

Using a length of 667 km, passes near the Arctic Ocean, and on
Although he seems quiet and deserted at first glance, but it is full of holes  And rocks due to petroleum areas that surround it, as present by small rocks  Wind-driven and it is possible to cause a disaster while driving. 

6) Using Jalalabad, Afghanistan :

Using extends for a distance of approximately 65 km, passing the Taliban, but these are not  The only risk, but also knows the way its size narrow, winding lanes and includes  Area requiring drivers to climb to the top for a distance of 600 meters, and usually cause  in a deadly disasters, especially when trying to traffic drivers of the cars  Located in front of them. 

7) North Yungas, Bolivia :

Also known as the Highway of Death, has been classified by the most dangerous road is in the world, every year kills about 300 people on this road because of its design  Catastrophic, has its many intersections and often die because people Trying to pass each other while driving, although that way  Very tight, which is what causes the downfall of the top of the mountain. 

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