Siesta raise the level of focus and strengthen memory , but what are the optimal duration

Siesta raise the level of focus and strengthen memory , but what are the optimal duration:

Many may not know the benefits of napping and necessity in restoring power to human, people have neglected because of the conditions and concerns of life, but recent studies have confirmed that napping to relieve the human mind and muscles and promote relaxation and improved mood.
It also re-napping Shipping human capacity to think and concentrate, increase productivity and enthusiasm to work, and make the group more vigilant and strengthen its ability to remember. 

   But despite the benefits of napping, but they are not suitable for everyone, People who suffer insomnia are advised to sleep during the day, because naps for a long time or late may hinder their ability to sleep at night. 

Enough time for a nap:

 optimal napping must be for a period of twenty minutes, which is long enough to recharge the brain power or be ninety minutes, which is long enough to enjoy the individual's deepest stages of sleep enhances creative ability with him. The problem is when the duration of a siesta between these two wakes the sleeper upset and tired. 

And preferably between naps per hour at noon and three in the afternoon. And that the individual is lying on the sofa instead of a bed, to ensure that diving into a long sleep. 

It may seem strange, but experts advised Barchav to a cup of coffee before nap taken it , The impact of caffeine needs of twenty to thirty minutes until it becomes effective, which is what makes a person more alert when the discharge .


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