How do you make others love your words !

How do you make others love your words !

The tact:

Is the ability to know the mental direction of the other person so as to deal with in a calm and non-provocation, away from Mibos all to provoke sadness or anxiety or distress in himself.

And tact include divert the course of the debate to a destination that pleasing  regard for his sense of his feelings, skill and tact are easy to train when I knew her secret and, like every other usually when acquired and established it became difficult to uproot .

Here are 14 step to perfect tact with others: 

1 - Be sure to show respect and appreciation and affection and the importance of the person with whom you speak. 

2 - Choose the exciting subject and the favorite of others and tell them what يلذ about which I have heard or read. 

3 - Beware of the cost in the speech and spoke gently, there is no need to weigh your words carefully. 

4 - Be honest in your words, sincere discourse fastest types of speech attractive to others. 

5 - well remember names and faces, and see is always  and showed interest in him. 

6 - sought excuses and do not criticize others but on the contrary understand the attitudes and motivations. 

7 - Try to advise people indirectly in order to preserve their pride and safeguard the feelings. 

8 - Listen more than you speak Valmtkelm eloquent always careful not to stretching in Speaking Fanju of cash and be an acceptable words, influential and effective. 

9 - Avoid embarrassment of others and sarcastic comments. 

10 - when people put their trust in you try to be worthy of this trust does not spread their secrets and talk about them what raises the rumors. 

11 - Tabassum more than . 

12 - quickly apologized when wrong. 

13 - Stay away from controversy. 

14 - addressed the people as much as their minds. 

  And always remember that: 

Tact is indispensable for any human being has been described by the owners of adult business in the first place among qualities that Attalbunha in their employees and their employees 

They are short, good handling and assimilated others.


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