Blue Hole

Blue Hole

Blue Hole or sometimes called caves which is about deep caves formed during the ice age, when sea level was lower (100/150) meters from its current status. This was the caves extends vertically into the ground and level above the surface of the water and are therefore Caves dry and when melted snow and increased sea level immersion those caves and water due to the depth they appear colored dark blue and shaped almost circular, while surrounded by water shallower  blue for this named holes blue show where remotely like a hole in the sea and there are many numbers of these holes.

 some more famous than others include the following: Blue Hole in the Red Sea and is located west of the Sinai Peninsula and is one of the areas famous for diving and has a depth of about 130 meters and has a slot towards the sea depth of six meters only There it at a depth of 52 meters tunnel and a stretch tunnel of 26 meters and is free of coral and fish and is a dangerous area to dive so-called cemetery divers located frequent accidents when trying to divers access to the tunnel due to the lack of lighting and the fact that is clear to the eyes and inside stream water moving always towards the hole or cave, making it more difficult swimming inside and prolongs the period of time out of it and that the tunnel is heading down to the depth of the sea, which interrupt communication between the diver and abroad and diver who resist the desire to reach the tunnel do not risk it to dive in this region, but is one of the areas famous for diving . Belize, a city in the middle of America is the only one that depend English Klgtha official It is located on the Caribbean Sea between Guatemala and Mexico and features climate tropical abound where rainfall and much heat most days of the year, which is famous for the existence of a deeper hole blue in the world with a depth estimated 365 feet because it is so far Divers could not get to the bottom of the cave or hole and is considered one of the most famous diving areas in the world. He has divers photographed the walls from the inside Pkmirat Video and managed to measure the perimeter of the cave, which amounted to 1000 feet and estimated depth of 400 feet and is found in this cave or Blue Hole are now a number of aquatic also noted the presence of sharks in the surroundings, but at the bottom of the cave, and due to lack of oxygen, the aquatic lose her life in the state of California in America used the theory of holes Alzka where Find Engineers in bridging Monnicillo long and is of the most famous dams in the world piercing blue or pit depth of 700 feet behind the dam where if rising water behind the dam you this hole discharge excess water and Anda filled hole appear inside the blue waters of the lake and prevent a final swim around or the presence of boats near the seriousness of it and the funny thing is that when the water goes down the lake behind the dam show that hole like a dry tunnel used by young people sometimes Sir Bjlathm (bike) inside. This information is obtained by chance during searching for another topic too far but Travcha I wanted to share with you to identify the blue holes

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