10 stronger personalities in the world

10 stronger personalities in the world

Category magazine "Forbes" for men and most influential power in the world between politicians, businessmen and clerics. Controls the reins of power in this world, a lot of people, including politicians, businessmen and clerics, too, but the question always remains, who are the most influential?! Or in some other way are the strongest? The answer came from the magazine "Forbes" in this menu. 

1 - Vladimir Putin

  Put the events of this year, the Russian president with the 61-year-old on the list of the most powerful figures, who sees game of chess played by Syria realizes shift control in the direction of the global arena,  the KGB (Russian Intelligence) former strongman who controls the missiles with nuclear warheads and a permanent seat in the Security Council of the United Nations and controls the huge stockpile of oil and gas, it can be renewed 6 presidential periods, which may continue until 2024

2- Barack Obama

U.S. President owner of the 52-year-old, his law Legislative featured Obama care under fire, as well as to U.S. allies overseas angry monitoring NSA (National Security Agency) and can stop the government for 16 days in October, which raises a question: Who controls it really? ! It seems that the rule of President rapid deterioration of the U.S. because it his second term, but still in the list of the most powerful people as he sat on the throne of the most powerful nation in the world economically, politically and militarily. 

3 - Ze Ping again 

Secretary-General of the Communist Party of China
(60 years), "Ze" a political and military leader governs more than 1.3 billion people, or nearly 20% of the world's population. China has nearly 1.3 trillion in U.S. bonds, making it the largest shareholder in debt, there are about 122 billionaire in China after it was zero for nearly a decade, and in addition to being the Secretary General of the Communist Party, he is also the President of the Republic of China (PRC) and the President Central Military Commission. 

4 - Pope Francis

  Bishop of Latin America preach to the poor and gives the role of women after the church's role was confined to express an opinion on the issue of abortion and gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods, and uses the pope and the media and the Internet to broadcast his sermons. 

5 - Angela Merkel

The most powerful woman
in the world and is the backbone of the European Union, consisting of 27 members and take it upon themselves to the fate of the euro, occupies the position of adviser since 2005, the first woman to get the job, and classified by "Forbes" the most powerful woman in the world for 8 years of the last 10 years

6 - Bill Gates

The richest man in the world in spite of his donation last with 28 billion dollars for the Foundation, "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" charity, and the shares of Microsoft have jumped in August after news of resignation, "Steve Ballmer" from the position of Executive Director and the survival of "Bill Gates" the President of the software company. 

7 - Ben Bernanke

Fed Chairman of the cash reserve in the United States the owner of the 59-year-old, who will end his job for his term ends in January 2014 and who led the Fed during the period of the most difficult financial periods after the global financial crisis, and thanks to him was to avoid the collapse of the economy in late 2000

8 - King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud

King of Saudi Arabia, which has the second largest reserves of oil globally, 265 billion barrels, or about 18% of the total global oil reserves, with a yearly income of the Kingdom of 727 billion dollars, which put it on the list of the richest 20 countries in the world, but with the presence of more than half the population lives below the age of 25 years, prompting the king to $ 130 billion unemployment funds, rations and housing, last year. 

9 - Mario Draghi

President of the European Central Bank's 66-year-old, who faces a daunting task to keep the financial module in 17 countries, the man who sailed in the Sea of ​​Italian political mine earned the nickname "Super Mario" because of his skill in handling things. 

10 - Michael Duck

CEO of the largest retail stores in the world and their income was less than $ 470 billion just in 2012 which has the largest number of employees (2.2 million), P "Wal-Mart" can build company or Tahedmha the only by taking the decision to store their products. 


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