How do you help your kingdom for your husband hates to get out ?

How do you help your kingdom for your husband hates to get out ?

Complaining many women of escape pair of home, leaving frequent and his absence from the home, but grumble alone is not enough, there must Madam to look for reasons why your husband to escape out of the house, and evaluating make some changes in your life in order to تعيدي spirit to your life marital and to Tgali husband flees to home rather than escape it. 

You know us today on some of the things that make your husband loves to go home and hated to get out of it: 

Not Tstqubla your husband generally surly Upon returning, Astqublah always with a nice smile and the joy and Asalah unchanged, and وفري the right atmosphere for comfort and confidence. For me to ask questions, and questioned him, where are you? With whom? He will tell you himself, but did not tell you after a while, you choose your time to talk with him in an appropriate manner and nice Tsttiei of which know all what you want. 

  Beware of discontent and admonition of permanent and Astbdlehm speak beautiful and gentle and  times return, instead of setting a date for him to return, tell him that you Todan know when an approximation for his return to the house so that you can prepare for the meeting and the creation of yourself for you Your full beauty upon his return. 

Avoid talking about problems and repeated all the time, nor is reminiscent mistakes constantly, choose loves her husband and conversations mimic interests That you are interested and you like what he likes. 

  Dress to make some changes to your look every now and then, like a change in hairstyle, makeup, or Basque nor تجعليه to see you get used to the same body and clothes, locomotive to do something marital change your life for the better. 

Add some lovely touches and new home, some measure of changes in home decor from time to time, and his urban some surprises Kdaute the beautiful Evening, or Senior prepare a romantic dinner by candlelight. 

You should note, Madam that the husband does not like wife Alabosh and  angry and permanently, it will pay to escape them, being nice and smiling, loving and understanding him.
Urban yourself to receive it a day later and arrival,  the home Nzfah and  beautiful smell it, and your children and urban  felt at home money like lack of cleanliness or arrangement Otakhir in the preparation of food, it would make him feel your interest. 

Let him always feel that your priorities, and that happiness and comfort are all what you want, can Ocharih you pay tired of you and is, in turn, will appreciate your love and interest and always Sychoq to return to the house to feel comfortable and love to you. 


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