The largest and purest in the world pool commissioned five Blaine pounds - in Chile

The largest and purest in the world pool commissioned five Blaine pounds - in Chile

The largest swimming pool in the world and that has been registered in the Guinness Book of Records is a swimming pool Famentdjasanallfonsodel Mar and English San Alfonso del Mar, which is located in Algarrobo, specifically in Chile, this bathroom holds the record of being the largest pool in the world, with a length of up to 1012 meters, equivalent to 3324 feet and an area of ​​19.77 acres. 

It is in the swimming pool in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest swimming pool and for being the deepest swimming pool in the world at a depth of 115 feet, opened the bathroom in December 2006 after nearly five years of continuous work and have cost to nearly 5 Blaine pounds . It also needs a year to 2 million pounds to keep the system at work and maintenance. 

As for Nzan this bathroom and how is Term water sufficient, especially its size big it needs huge amounts of water as needed to fill and cover an area of ​​approximately 250 million liters of water, equivalent to 66 million gallons, you will find in this bath water pipes absorb water directly in a sea of ​​using suction computer and then filtration system for water purification College and then water is pumped directly from the bathroom, and you may find water transparent to the end, although it is sea water and this is due to the purification minute before pumping it into the bathroom. Here are more pictures of that wonderful bathroom, I'm seeing fantastic but Ari exaggeration in assigning Through this huge amount could have been raised more useful projects and value to humanity

Here are some pictures

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