Is the imposition of the veil or virtue

Is the imposition of the veil or virtue

Islamic dress required of Muslim women is any costume does not describe the attractions of the body not recovered, and to conceal the entire body except the face and hands, and do not mind as well as to wear women's clothing colorful provided they are not eye-catching or raise sedition, if these conditions are met on any uniforms permissible for a woman Muslim be worn out with it. 

The veil woman who covers her face and glove that covers him her hand; stroll the nation that it is not obligatory, and that it is permissible for her to uncover her face and hands, taking the words of God: not to reveal their adornment except what appear thereof} [Nur: 31]; where interpreted by the majority of scholars of the Companions and later ornamental phenomenon face and hands, moving it from Ibn Abbas, Anas and Aisha, God bless them, and taking of the verse: {and beaten necks on the bosoms} [Nur: 31], Valkhmar is to cover the head, and the pocket is a slot chest T-shirts and the like, and ordered God of Muslim women to cover Boukmarha chest Had to cover the face and the duty of the said by verse, and Sunnah interview with Aisha, may Allah be pleased: "The names of the girl of Abu Bakr came to the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and his family and him - and them clothes wafers turned away by the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and his family and him - and said: Hey, if the names of the women reached menstruation did not fit to see them except this and this and pointed to his face and hands "; Narrated by Abu Dawood .. To other evidence Almsrahp not obligatory to cover the face and hands. 

While the view of some scholars that a woman should cover her face; was narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah Aisha - God bless them - said: "The riders would pass us and we are with the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and his family - taboos If Hazu us brought down one of us jilbab From her head to her face if Juzuna ihraam ", and this talk does not guide it on obligatory to cover a woman's face; because the act companions does not indicate already that it is obligatory, but the possibility that this is a special provision mothers of the believers as _khassn sanctity Ncahan after the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, It was decided in the science of assets "and that the facts of the case, if it touched possibility, whole-covered dress, fell by inference." 

Al-Bukhaari in his Saheeh Ibn Umar - God bless them - that the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and his family and him - said: "No woman in ihraam should not wear gloves," and this shows that the face and hands of the free are not awrah, and how they imagined they were rougher with agreement on disclose them in prayer and the necessity disclose them in Ihram; since it is known that al-Shara can not come Btjoaz uncovered genitals in prayer and must be exposed in Ihram, and the prohibitions of Ihram things were originally permitted Calypso sewn and good fishing and the like, and none of it was a chore then became entered ihraam prohibited. 

In short, that cover the face and hands of a Muslim woman is not obligatory, but it falls within the permissible; the starting her face and hands, it is permissible, and that sufficed without hijab to cover her face and hands were acquitted owe and what led them .. God Almighty knows. 

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