How to prolong the battery life of the phone

How to prolong the battery life of the phone

Increasing uses of mobile phones quickly and increasing jobs, which must be carried out and the data that must be dealt with as it is different from the computer and the laptop is its size is small and that means he needs to battery with a small size, which means little in the period in which they operate without charging, especially when Dealing with the GPS locator and the Internet .

The problem is that you whenever used a mobile phone the greater the consumption of the battery and the more developed in shipping at intervals nearest the less time you have to stand up with you when the battery whenever launched companies new devices was most important of which is the duration of the steadfastness of the battery order to be able to keep the phone steadfast in front of all these uses

  So here are some steps that you can do to prolong the battery life of your phone:

1. Reducing screen brightness helps keep charging the battery is the part that consumes the largest amount of energy in your higher the more the bright greater consumption of the battery also reduce screen brightness makes you more comfortable in a follow-up phone.

2. Then put a specific time in order to extinguish  the screen  if not used the phone and prefer to have the least possible time and if you like reading on your phone, you must touch the screen from time to time so as not to execute a command screen is closed

  3. Reduce the update and synchronization settings and reduced the connected phone drag computing and should be contacted as long as quenched not need to .

4. Turn off Bluetooth and connect to the Internet and wireless GPS positioning Every part sender or the future in your phone consumes the battery and consumes both Bluetooth and communication networks, wireless larger amount of energy at a time when looking it from other devices and the communication networks of mobile 3G, 4G straining the battery and makes them thirst Electricity

5. Use save battery power system (power saver) if the operating system of your phone Tools They help you to control the functions of the phone at the lowest possible energy that includes background and movements and the power of lighting the screen 7. If the type of technology used in the screen is LED Use pictures with dark colors for backgrounds opening screen so make the most of LEDs in the screen  or lit dimly to consume less energy, but this method will not work with LCD screens because they do not rely on the same


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