How to get rid of menstrual pain

How to get rid of menstrual pain

Girls always suffer from pain caused by the menstrual cycle, says Faisal Hilali Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Ain Shams, The menstrual cycle is a contractions in the pelvic area resulting in menstruation accompanied by pain that travels from the abdomen to the lower extremities of the body

Pain varied between the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract psychiatric clinical signs, such as depression, mood swings, tension and nervousness next to digestive disorders Calantfaj, abdominal pain, muscle spasm, fatigue and exhaustion of the body in general next to headache, dizziness and constipation. 

Offers some treatment methods that help to get rid of this pain, including exercise at home for ten minutes, which helps a softer uterine muscle allowing Banaqbadha without feeling pain, proper nutrition through a move away from meals full of saturated fat Such as food quick and try eating red meat and proteins and propagation the intake of vegetables, fruits and nuts, with eating items that contain calcium like milk, eggs and cheese to relieve PMS symptoms and reduce the pain caused by them next to drink more water to help the body get rid of toxins, as well as getting on the rate of normal sleep and comfort to help the body in regulate hormones to reduce the pain.

Adds Helaly to lie on the back with the situation as wet with warm water on the abdomen with the work of Massage has one of the strongest factors analgesic for pain, while minimizing salty foods or sweet, being careful to take a warm bath twice a day during the menstrual period to alleviate pain, next to warm the body and not to be subjected to cold current  the or adaptation, can be taken medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen is more effective relievers, in addition to drink hot drinks and stay away from cold drinks and carbonated and finally drink herbs Kalnanaa the and anise. 


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