10 most dangerous cities in the world

10 most dangerous cities in the world

Before traveling to different countries, should love traveling and tourism to think about many issues related to their security and personal lives, because there are in this world are many cities that is the security situation so bad that the kidnappings and killings and shootings between the groups Mafia repeated seriously and does not provide Even foreign tourists. 

It was the most serious rating 10 cities in the world, according to the magazine "News of Lebanon," in terms of increased crime and security instability and the spread of gangsters streets, which are as follows: 

10. Caracas, Venezuela:

This city corridor crowded for the transit of drugs and talked a lot of crimes random and is where many of the thefts have become accustomed, even in broad daylight and police have no control over the criminal activities that occur in this city, and many locals blame the Venezuelan government, which does not have any do you do about these gangs that control the city and terrorizing the population. 

9. Mogadishu, Somalia :

Still the capital of Somalia chaotic which is beyond the scope of the spotlight since 2011 because of the civil war, which has in the country 20 years ago as a result of political violence that has occurred in the country, nor can any journalist or researcher to get accurate statistics of what is happening there because of this war, but the city is a the most dangerous cities in the world is sufficient chaos and the inability of anyone to get a picture of the current situation there, which had migrated much of its population during the past three years to escape from the scourge of war after their homes were destroyed there. 

8. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil :

Although it owns some of the city which is the most beautiful beaches in the world and enjoy the breathtaking nature to it unsafe city.
The city contains a lot of slums and poor neighborhoods in which they live more than 20% of the population of the city and operations abound in drug trafficking, murder, theft, and that the police can not control them.
And when he goes to tourists are aware not to approach the mountain areas or the slums, especially at night. 

7. Chechnya, Russia:

After the war waged by Russia against Chechnya since the mid-1990s, is still unstable because of Chechnya is still a war zone and ruin is not recommended tourists visited. 

6. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico :

This city center buying and selling drugs in Mexico and there is no indication that this trade would have told or has control also accompanied by the presence of these trade destructive acts of violence, killings and robberies that spread depending on the existence and if existed in this city do not guarantee police protection or that come out of her alive private life and you're strange.
Has been making this city the largest center of violence in the world outside of the scope of wars and blame in the presence of these acts of violence on the Mexican government, but there blame the United States, which was the war on Panama are the most important reasons that led to the spread of this trade in this region.

5. Bogota, Colombia :

The problem of Bogota in the drug trade and political groups extremist stand against the Colombian government, but fortunately has emerged some improvement in the situation inside the city in the late nineties where he became the north of the city area is completely safe better than the south and advised tourists to keep away from certain areas unsafe. 

4. Baghdad, Iraq :

Entered Baghdad this list, especially after the American war that led to the rupture of the country and the occurrence of many of the explosions, which claim the lives of many Iraqis and the spread of violence. 

3. Guatemala :

This city has crime rates are extremely high due to the neglect of corrupt government and police forces, which is not qualified at all to curb criminal activities in the city.
There is a very large gap between the rich and the poor, pushing the poor to the theft and looting and acts of violence in order to live corruption has destroyed the city, despite its beauty and killing the spirit of it. 

2. San Pedro Sula, Honduras:

Recorded the city's highest rate of homicide in the world and is considered the most dangerous even from Iraq and Afghanistan - which U.S. forces - and infested theft and holds everyone in the city almost firearms so as a sort of protection for himself and his family are settled a lot of differences in the city with violence and murder across the street and the glare of everyone. 

1. Cape Town, South Africa :

Cape Town, one of the major tourist cities in the world but they contain some areas that do not vacate any place of crime, especially murder, drug trafficking, theft and tourists are advised to avoid dark and shady places to stay in the heart of the city, where it is more secure. 

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