How do you increase the volume of the laptop without software

How do you increase the volume of the laptop without software

 Welcome, give you a way to increase the volume of laptop speakers, laptop speakers are weak in some setups
Do not give the maximum sound levels. This method improves voice ramp Smaatallab Top without affecting the purity of sound or quality.
Also works with desktop computers and works with Windows Vista, 7.8.

 1 - Open panneau de configuration:

2 - Click on the Hardware and Sound:
3 - Now press the Gérer les périphériques audio:

4 - Now select the type of sound director who use it , whether external speakers or Headphones and click on it:

5 - Click the Améliorations tab:

6 - Select the option Egalisation Loudness and press Ok:

Preferably run any sound clip during the application process so that the notes sound teams after pressing Ok.


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