10 reasons to love eating chocolate

10 reasons to love eating chocolate

All loves to eat chocolate and now there are more than reason to  the smiles on our faces because these chocolate Almspbhlsaadh the have health benefits, which conducted one of the theories about why we love chocolate for this class? This is because there is an active chemical element brain claims  the thiamine is cocoa and stimulates the same reaction that we are all about falling in love.
And again that magnesium helps to overcome stress, and there is little evidence that chocolate is addiction in the physical sense as nutrition expert said, "
Elvi Miedka" It's a unique composition in terms of flavor, sweetness and texture. 

And the fact that we are linked with happiness and why you love this class the other hand, it is of exquisite taste and make us also in good condition, as long as you choose the appropriate species and do not abound, including (Health experts recommend
eating 30 grams of chocolate per day or 6 small pieces) .

Here are 10 reasons make attends to eat chocolate: 

1 - helps in lowering blood pressure :

Helps flavanols found in cocoa beans on the production of nitric oxide, which stimulates neovascularization. The analysis was performed for 850 healthy participants and found that chocolate and cocoa products rich in flavanols have a small effect, but significantly lower blood pressure in the short term, preferably a drink cocoa plant the seeds of traditional cocoa quick result in lowering blood pressure. 

2 - Assists in maintaining intelligence :

The cup of cocoa protects the aging brain, where a recent study conducted show that elderly people who eat chocolate drinks that have a high proportion of flavanols been improved their mental performance after 8 weeks .

3 - Do not cause spots or grain :

These sheep, uttered Elvi (
no food cause acne, but some diets unhealthy _ in the House of Commons _ which are high in carbohydrates and low in fruits and vegetables) as possible thou shalt be a reason for it and fun to handle blood sugar be low for both dark chocolate and milk chocolate, so it has a better effect on blood sugar and insulin, as well as on your skin unlike many sweets such as beverages sweetened and Almrschmilo. 

4 - could help in the protection from heart attacks and strokes: 

  Cokolagneh in saturated fat and especially acid Alstyark and found in abundance in cocoa butter and does not cause high cholesterol like other saturated fats other, conducted research at the University of Cambridge, proved that the people most consuming chocolate less susceptible to heart disease by 37% and 29% of strokes from their families underreported her and so with this great consumption is just 63 gm per week and says d / Oscar Franco, chocolate, can be helpful, but eaten in a moderate way, not in large quantities and not greedily .

5 - useful for bones :

Chocolate contains Oxalate, a natural compound that consists in the cocoa granules, which prevents the absorption of calcium, and
Oxalate limits the absorption of calcium in the intestine into the bloodstream. That a small bar of white chocolate (50 g) contains 1/6 of the recommended daily amount of calcium and the same volume of milk chocolate bar contains less amount. 

6 - to fight the symptoms of premenstrual :

Chocolate contains magnesium, which relieves spasms and provides energy, "said Elizabeth Murray also Chancellor I have Kotex" and as usual, it is important not to overuse them and the appropriate way to benefit from the advantages are taken in small quantities.

7 - increases the levels of protection from cancer :

The researchers Spaniards to conduct a study on mice who were fed according to the diet contains 12% cocoa, they found that was to protect them from colon cancer even though they study the animal and it's a large amount of cocoa, but scientists think it could be similar to humans in that the degree of protection. As he said d / Gertrude Maskrnaik, the Cancer Research Center at the University of Hoaaa "On average, cocoa products have antioxidant effect Add to that the Amusement addressed." To increase the impact of protection from cancer, try eating a bar of chocolate, which are rich in antioxidants.

8 - useful in cases of chronic fatigue :

Conducted a small study on
10 Massaan stress-chronic School Hull York Medical, found that 85% of those who ate 15 grams of chocolate, cocoa scored less percentage of stress and anxiety and depression from others who ate chocolate with a small percentage of antioxidants, researchers say it requires further research to prove its authenticity. 

9 - It is not necessary, it will make you obese :

And surprisingly, that people who eat chocolate regularly are thinner than those who do not eat (
according to a U.S. study conducted this year) How so? No one knows, but people who eat chocolate as part of a diet balanced healthier than those who eat chocolate in large quantities at all times and on all at once, but unfortunately, you can not deny the fact that 50 g of chocolate contains 270 calories increase .

10 - improved blood flow to the brain :

Professor at the University of Nottingham that drinking cocoa drinks rich in flavanols improves blood flow to key areas in the brain. Flavanols in cocoa syrup is the main ingredient of dark chocolate. The study suggested Professor
McDonald also that cocoa flavanols in chocolate may enhance brain function to help in the fight against sleep deprivation, fatigue, and the effects of aging.

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