3 phrases wish each pair in hearing

3 phrases wish each pair in hearing

3 phrases each pair wants to hear whatever self-confidence and independence.

Whatever the man's self-confidence and independence, there are times by men needs moral support and sincere words of encouragement.  3 phrases loves every men hear from their wives. 

1. "I respect your opinion" 

This simple statement is not complex is the best feeder to the confidence of the man himself and his decisions. Women need to love, care and a sense of protection, while a man needs to power and respect, and the reason is hormone Altistestrun. 

2. "It looks great today," 

Most men do not want to show external interested in their looks, but men care about their looks just like women. So try to be a nice when Tthre note such as weight gain or the need for a new haircut? 

3. "I trust you"

  Often lacks the man to the words of confidence and recognition of the fact that his wife standing at his side. Experts recommend saying this phrase before or after the meeting, intimate - when your body is full of hormone oxytocin, a hormone tenderness, and then look very convincing words of love. 


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