Central city full of water - an architectural masterpiece newly discovered archaeological

Central city full of water - an architectural masterpiece newly discovered archaeological:

City center of the lake this city is called Seuthopolis, and is an ancient city was the capital of the state called Odricia, have been discovered for the first time in 1948. After building a new dam in this region filled with lake water as a result of this dam, becoming the city below. 

Surface of the water about 20 meters, but six years later the dam collapsed around them and filled with water to become overwhelmed by the middle of the lake
And is now working to uncover the city again through a more engineering projects splendor at all, where they will be building a dam circular stunning with a diameter of
1377 feet and rise 65 feet, then dump area inside the dam from the water to detect the city, and this will become this city's oldest city built in the center of  Lake underwater and then returned to the light.

These are some pictures of that city: 


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