The launch of an Islamic television channel in Russia

The launch of an Islamic television channel in Russia

This is due to focused channel to broadcast educational programs known as culture and religion Islamists, through documentary films and art, as well as holding seminars and set up roundtables to address the urgent relating to Islam and Muslims, involving specialists and researchers in more than one area Kalthagafa, scientific and political, social and religious.

 It puts the new channel compilers in mind the definition of Islamic values ​​scenes that carried the Koran and hadiths and biography of the Prophet, and broadcast programs that shed light on the lives of Muslims in Russia on various ethnic affiliations. Recall that it was supposed to start broadcasting channel on August 19 / August of last year, but this is not possible for the failure to reach an agreement with the operators of satellite or cable, resulting in a delay of the launch broadcast to more than a year.

 This has been the formation of a committee to oversee the social work of the channel includes well-known Islamic figures and representatives of organizations concerned with Muslim affairs in Russia


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