Twins village in India ...Phenomenon baffled scientists

Twins village in India ...Phenomenon baffled scientists:

Twins village in India ... Phenomenon baffled scientists Does Grapetk raise to be going in a small village and see the faces of children and adults are similar in features and if they are descended from one father? This strange phenomenon has spread in the village Codnge, of the State of Kerala, south-west of India, located in the south-west of India. The percentage of twins to five times the national average in the birth of twins

So this Indian village turned to a mysterious puzzle for doctors and experts in the world of genes, because they contain 440 between 600 .
14 twins person, a very high percentage compared to all regions of the world, does not stop the number of twins in the days after the last rise. The doctors say that all twins are born healthy and within the usual rules, but the mystery of the birth of the twins is still a matter of debate and study. This phenomenon has been non-interpretation and understanding until 2001, the year in which the opening of government primary school, "Mabila". It has been observed that the list of registered students which contain more than ten twins, with similar names, such as: easy - Suhaila, Tazna, - Varzna, Opana - for Obama. Today, there are twenty school twins. The national average for twins is 8.1 births per 1,000 people

Here, there are about 45 twins per 1,000 people as The Sribejo doctor, who has collected these data on this phenomenon.

 He says: "We have not yet investigations on this phenomenon in homes, and I am sure that there are more than 500 people ranging in age from a few weeks to 85 years.

And experts who have observed this phenomenon is similar in Nigeria assert the presence of ovarian hormones in women in this group. The explosion in the village of twins Codnge not yet subject to scientific studies, despite the availability of some of the information and data since 2008.

The majority of the population village Codnge of Muslims, but this phenomenon is not confined only to them they include Hindu families as well. According to what the people of this village, that married couples who come to live here, are having twins as well as if they inherit this phenomenon of its indigenous population. Is that nutrition is the reason? Confirms the villagers they do not eat or drink exceptionally and unfamiliar, and all I eat normally and very unusual. This phenomenon is not contagious or derived from work Tluta because most of the village twins in good health by Dr. Sribejo, and perhaps there is an environmental factor is responsible for this, but you must select it and disclose its reasons. 

The task of interpreting and explaining the dimensions of this phenomenon is the responsibility of geneticists, physicians, ecologists and anthropologists (anthropology). 


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