Women and men | Arts husband's invitation to bed

Women and men | Arts husband's invitation to bed

 objective I hope that you accept this with an open mind.
To every girl married and unmarried ..
This is a touchy subject but these things may help you in your life ..

Of mattress rope affection and romance yarn
The right of a man to his wife (and this is a reciprocal right) to be seen as a female and not just six House ..

Tasks of women in the home:

First :

And foremost, start the pair then comes the rest of the responsibilities successively .. She might say:
It does not limit the right is his best dishes cook, wash clothes finest powders , And make the house shine and Telegraphs and others, and other ..

The logical answer before this speech is that it did not come to your home to Ttabkhi and washing  .
 Was estimated to come servant and ended up ..
The husband need to look at you as a female want to do before you want them is the man ;Needs to be a sense that the partner you love and you want to communicate with him in any intimate moment
Any that may not be the desire of one party only ..

It is your right to ask him if he was negative without justification for not wanting such a disease or severe fatigue is not tolerated.

Effective methods to invite the pair to bed is handling the tastiest 
So with the senses and This  you in the following lines:


The man appointed to consider women in places you least expect it, so it must be worn
His most beautiful dresses and not a requirement here to be semi-naked clothes
The man naturally tired of everything when redundancy, but day by day by day  his clothes reveal more than cover
 narrow or too short Or that are a filament reveal cover at the same time .. And days  him a  dress from your head to your feet
And does not show you something that is not only that, but
You can تعملي the imagination  the fashion of his not what comes to mind
If come the plain and cheap it touches  when he sees you he is sleeping he wakes up and can not sleep again, and so on ..
One of the issues dear to the man of change and diversification in appearance, such as changing hairstyle and also a way of makeup
Day light and heavy day by day bright colors and muted colors day
It means effective in attracting women's pair your steps
And مشيك method in front of him you have to تظهري him what of Dalal


The man does not like one type of perfume, so you need diversification in smell and every time Makers
Not  the perfume on the second day,
Once once incense, perfume and so on until the man may sometimes likes to smell his partner
On nature without any other perfume may be considered smells better than any of the most expensive perfume fragrances.


Coquette sound raises the imagination of a man if he heard from behind walls, how if it had before ..
The man likes to hear the voice of his partner So you Akhvad to your voice and talk with
E بدلال and almost melts voice of tenderness, and whisper more exciting ..
Dallalah your way, for example, if it was exhausting work  his "Msaga" Gently softness and you'll notice that it will be the initiator in Mdaapetk and will seek to switch roles to act is the work of massage you.

Tribal much time to sleep and when he wakes up, leaving time to work and when you return
, Ahmsa in his ears that you'll be waiting for him and Ststaqan him a lot.
Call him at work every now and then and Tell him how much you nostalgic to him and to hear his voice.
Vajih important events absent from his mind, as the first day I met him and the day of a wedding and engagement
And Vajih the simple Bhvlh attended only you two
And put on him whatever you want, Kvsan short and tight semi-naked, and his feet even if forgotten gift
This is appropriate not Tatbah but Ocharih you can not forget these important dates and happy,
And Donny these dates in a small notebook.
Make your home clean and tidy and smelt it smells good, and  clothes Always Boukreha and Atreha me his shoes.

The pair usually feel very comfortable If you Thterman to his family and تبتعدين for fabricating problems,
فحاولي that Txba love and respect for his family, especially his mother
Because many women suffer from problems with Hmuathen, try to Tanrma and Thbhe Kowaldtk,
Qublaha over her head whenever I have visited or even if you Tsknin with it, my feet suitable gifts for her
Of and buy her what you buy for your mother that's happy.

If you find your husband worried and upset,  mitigation him with kind words
, And if they do not accept Hdih Bdalalk him like a small child.
Shopping with him and try to buy your needs with him, in order to take my taste it is him feel proud,
Especially in pajamas that his Stertdenha and choose colors that he likes,
No harm in Mphajith bought clothes alone.
If Conti wife worker,  household expenses not Tbkhala something.
Qualitative of أوضاعك while having an intimate relationship with him, try to beat on Khgelk and ask him what does not help in this situation.

Otieih and hear his words, do not go out without his permission and if you go to a party or evening occasion not Ttachri
, Put into account That there are pairs awaits you and you want reassurance.

There are a lot of ways what makes you happiest human being your husband's presence in your life.

And a happy married life for all 


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