" Gum " is characterized by many health benefits

" Gum " is characterized by many health benefits

Doctors asserts that for "gum" or frankincense many health benefits especially sugar-free, which is considered a way to reduce weight, and can be used to cut the appetite. It also helps to clean the teeth and the mouth of the leftovers, in addition to its role in activating the brain and enhance memory chewing gum stimulates circulation and increases blood flow to the brain, and it helps to activate it. The benefits of chewing gum extends help to eliminate or reduce the feeling of tension, anxiety and stress symptoms.

 And also have benefits similar to the benefits of caffeine, are advised  before exercise to stimulate the movement of the body. The chewing gum or chewing gum of the most common habits, "where dealt with adults and children with semantics may be socially unacceptable," but has to be used an excuse because of its many health benefits. We add you some other benefits her gum they are working on:

1 - strengthen the muscles of the jaws and face.

 2 - Increased secretion of salivary glands that equation traces acids resulting from food fermented causing tooth decay

 3 - resin bond and sugar works as an abrasive help get rid of plaque 

4 - help comfort breathing and muscle relaxants 

5 - remove phlegm

 6 - piety bronchial 

7 - useful in the treatment of diseases such as asthma, cough, chest. 


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