Beware of narrow geans and Stay Healthy

Beware of narrow gene and Stay Healthy

The cry spread jeans narrow significantly between us, whether men or women or children, most people have become snapping up these trousers to show the attractions and the beauty of the body or to draw attention, or sometimes to the prevailing fashion followers and strangely prevalent in the Arab world!! . But you should learn and even warns of the many dangers that threaten your health when you wear these trousers are internal damage to you. 

1 - thigh pain paresthetica:

  Feeling  and tingling and burning pain in the upper area of ​​the thigh because of a narrow or severe pressure on the nerves in that area One of the main causes wear tight clothes and delusional jeans. 

2 - vaginal yeast infection:

   Where to wear tight clothing, especially jeans closes ports breathing and restricts the empty space in the lower part of the body and this generates high temperature and increased humidity in the area, which results in inflammation of the vagina leads to Thejeh and increasing severe secretions accompanied by itching continuous and pressure severe and these factors create the right atmosphere for the multiplication of bacteria in the vagina and then updated expansion vaginal yeast infection .

3 - Heartburn:

  That's where the narrow waist jeans cause severe pressure on the abdomen and restricts the internal processes that occur during the digestion Qaada the process to return the acid into the esophagus and cause heartburn and acidity in the stomach or sometimes in the throat and chest . 

4 - abdominal pain:

  He also mentioned that narrow waist jeans affects the abdomen push of insect and this affects the digestive process also and causing indigestion in digestion and abdominal pain .

5 - damage to the reproductive system of a man: 

  geans narrow pressure on the testicles and restricts the movement of blood circulation and increases the temperature  and cause itching and the appearance of fungus sometimes and adversely affect the growth of the penis especially at the stage of non-completion of growth and the foregoing, the Takiad work of the circulatory system and the intense pressure on the nerves and shutting down streams breathing skin caused by wearing tight jeans may lead to the development of orange peel syndrome or cellulite and Oizid of the rapid spread of varicose veins. 


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