What do you do if bitten you snake or a scorpion ?

What do you do if bitten you snake or a scorpion ?

In this article we show has won and information about the seriousness of insect stings and bites of snakes and scorpions, and methods of prevention and that we can do business by first .
 And they abound in such times. Garlic and onions Abbtal effect cm insects ... * Scorpio yellow spider homework are more dangerous .. * insect stings sting be a result of the capacity of insects such as bees or scorpions in human skin, lead to injury and sometimes entering the poison in Ordtna, and this must be Aisthoz our attention especially when you go out on outings in the embrace of nature and parks.

 Stinging insects spread in our country are Hornet Zcrdoh, people Al_husason to name it has affected a lot and must be reckoned with such a special situation that may end up in some cases to death within a short period of time. Tags: in the wake of the sting shows pain and redness and itching and hottest localized then swelling and dirt, and in the most difficult cases appear itchy throat, hoarseness and difficulty in breathing and abdominal pain with diarrhea. There is a risk of secondary pollution due to wound exposure to microbes and also Thetanos. In cases of excessive sensitivity, the capacity of poisonous animals or stings in the neck area, it is in addition to the previous symptoms may appear respiratory tumor and his pallor grades or cyanosis, loss of consciousness, and this may end up sometimes death. The most important foundations for the prevention of stings are moving away from areas infested with insects biting, attention and make sure not to enter the insects to Drink Cup and advised all of their own sensitivity redundant action and prevention to prevent the emergence of symptoms facilities as dangerous as a result of the bite or sting like: Download a sign of Hsacetkm excess supply of injecting automatic contain Avenerin a substance counter anti-allergy excess and vaccination hypoallergenic excess can do some operations that will be treated in the majority of cases:

 • Directed fork (Zubana) immediately after the sting, to prevent the continuity of entry poison (Zabana Bee continue to pump poison for ( 2-3 minutes).

 • Output fork Balazfar, or planing sting place, do not try to remove them by clicking because this makes them a deep Interference.

 • situ cooling with cold water or ice for an hour.

 • fat position Bmriham the the Includes Struiedim.

 • Location fat folk customs garlic or onion juice where believes that these materials neutralize the poison 

• If the tumor must heal the wound with a bandage clean.

 • If the sting in the hand, please be linked with a bandage in place lower than the level of the heart to slow down the arrival of the poison to the heart .

• Take painkillers by the situation when you should go to health services overall - Clalit?

 • If there is worsening of symptoms and worsened being bitten. 

• If bitten owners Hypersensitivity .

• If the injection Balvenerin, you must access to medical treatment quickly because its effect lasts only 10 minutes. bite Scorpio * There are 12 kinds of scorpions most serious Yellow * Scorpions usually hide under rocks and among the rocks, and in  toxic substance albumen enter the bloodstream. in the country there are 12 species of scorpions, the most serious of yellow and most bites are in the lower limbs. symptoms of the bites of scorpions they cause pain topically and redder.

 in difficult cases may cause poison paralysis and cramps and stop the process of breathing and when young may develop the case to the poisoning of the year and signs are: 

• the secretion of saliva plus of the mouth, with tears and cough, vomiting, pain and diarrhea.

 • rapid pulse and rise in blood pressure, cold sweat, breathing fast, the expansion of the pupil, fastens hair and redness of the face and the need to urinate .

• hottest, dizziness, trembling muscles and blurry in consciousness. spite of the seriousness of symptoms and difficulty they disappear usually automatically within hours but more importantly Prevention (CDC) to prevent young people from the heart of stones and walking barefoot among them. what we can do:

 • sterilization place sting or bite with water soap and alcohol.

 • comfortable being bitten and Astelqaúh with prevented from movement.

 • Cooling the subject of the sting with cold water and ice.

 • blocker and Reddy, compression garment to prevent the spread of the venom .

• Take painkillers as necessary.

 • Ensure vaccination Althetanos (effective 5 years) When should I go to services, comprehensive health - Clalit?

 • must transfer all  to hospital, especially in the case Scorpio yellow. bitten by spiders * Spider homework most painful of * exist in the country spiders of many types, but harmful of which is the homework that bite during the carrying out cleanups inside the house. of symptoms they lead to severe pain and increasingly, bulging spot - often dirt around the white area surrounded by redness and possibly also the hottest and weakness, nausea, and to pain joints and rash. for this that the use of leather gloves when cleaning the places that are not visible may be enough to prevent these bites. self-treatment:

 • cooling position sting • Sterilization wound .

• Ensure vaccination Iitanos .

• When should I go to the health services overall - Clalit? 

• If the back of the hole in the skin .

• If a vaccination Iitanos has passed snakebite * Fear and emotion which produce from the sting cause pulse rapid and expansion in the blood vessels so as to facilitate the arrival of the poison quickly to all members of the body * exist in our country snakes poisonous of two families (Tsefa) (and Witten) These snakes found in green areas in the desert in the sand near the water sources, in the case of Stings appears in the bite ثقبان to Nabi poison. of Symptoms of snake venom that causes harm in the blood and develops تميع blood., fear and emotion which produce from the sting cause pulse rapid and expansion of the blood vessels so as to facilitate the arrival of the poison quickly to all members of the body. After 10 minutes showing rapid pulse and weak, and breathing fast and weak, and even to the state loss of consciousness. appears in the bite pain increased, and tumor variable color and extends into the body with blood flow and redness and cyanosis and appear on the skin red lines highlight the validity of the poison in the body and after-hours show vesicles localized where blood and fluid, and without adequate treatment exacerbated the situation, increasing the pulse and decreased blood pressure even loss of consciousness. When Almlduqin who do not lose their awareness shows diarrhea and pain belly then Adme from different places of the skin, gut, heart, brain. Prevention: 

• must refrain from the introduction of hands in the pits, and the heart of stones .

 • Shoes thick and high during Hiking.

 • attention to what is going on around us, evening and night, especially in summer • self-treatment:

 • calm being bitten and comfort lying down and not move the member being bitten, so that it becomes the spread of the poison in the body slow

 • heal position bandage light

 • What are the actions which must refrain from?

 • Finished or injured anywhere sting to bring out the poison 

• absorption of the venom by mouth (may lead to poisoning absorber) • blocker arterial - compression garment on the artery

 • Cooling place sting (impedes blood flow to the member being bitten) • give the grog (alcohol) for because this activates the flow Blood and widens blood.

 • capture the snake or (knowing its kind, at least) when you should go to health services overall - Clalit? in each case the bite of a snake must move being bitten to the nearby hospital and as quickly as possible, with a diagnosis of type snake or brought alive or dead. stings aquatic animals * Fat Shaving cream helps to relieve pain * jellyfish and coral: jellyfish are aquatic animals have appendages toxic, remain effective for a long period of separation from the body of the lamp and to dry out and coral which objects toxic similar but congregate in places fixed., and the incidence of these objects toxic may lead to Actoa and sometimes to the burning surface is broad and the pain and suffering of the injured. symptoms: feeling Ole Bactua difficult for about half an hour then the pain lasts 24 hours, sometimes may appear muscular contractions. prevention: to refrain from touching the starfish, coral, is a beautiful but dangerous. self-treatment:

 • grab and take out the appendages toxic than the subject of injury Balakect or body Steel - knife is sharp or by plaster, paste and grabbed .

• Fat Shaving cream and razor position, then wash position with acid and fat cream containing 1% cortisone twice. to ease the pain on the first day can be 4-5 times fat or acid concentration of 40-70% alcohol, diluted ammonia or soda concentration of 50%.

 • Take pain relievers as needed what are the actions which must refrain from? 

• Wash position with normal

 • Cooling water ice place

 • Knit position

 • Cortisone fat for a long time 

• Sterilization items containing alcohol concentration is low and high, such as the materials used after shaving. 


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