Ines , one of jihadist nikah , testifies

Ines , one of jihadist nikah , testifies

We thought we had seen everything in post-revolution Tunisia (political assassinations, massacres in Chambi). And yet, today is a scourge, morally and socially shocking, mentioned, "jihad Nikah", in other words, parts of Tunisian Syria for "gender jihad".
To understand how these women have become
"sex slaves" jihadists, our colleague Almasdar conducted a survey of a responsible Ministry of the Interior, who preferred to remain anonymous, that is. Then, the site has collected the testimony of a Tunisian, just returned from this ordeal. 

Ines, a 15 year old student living in a popular neighborhood of Tunis, has experienced setbacks in love. 
Having committed the "sin" of having extramarital relations, Ines has lost the taste for life and found refuge in mosques, where she met a Salafi who managed to indoctrinate and convince them to leave for jihad Syria with the aim to "repent of his sins before God." 
Upon his arrival in Damascus, it was entrusted to it despite Sheikh Al Nosra Jabhat member of the Free Syrian Army to satisfy the sexual needs of veterans of Bashar Al Assad regime. 
Returned to Tunisia after having suffered sexual abuse at the hands of the rebels, she was arrested by the border police upon arrival at the airport of Tunis-Carthage, then released. The nightmare is far from over, puisqu'Inès was not only disowned by his family, but he was diagnosed internal bleeding and tearing of the uterus. 
Do not find someone to host and place to sleep, Ines squatting in Avenue Habib Bourguiba as homeless. 
Today, several questions arise: What is the fate of the Tunisian parties Syria "Niqah Jihad"? And what is the role of Ministries of Women, Social Affairs, Religious Affairs or associations of child protection? 


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