Draw September 16 , how does it work?

Draw September 16 , how does it work?

On 16 September in Cairo held the draw for the play-offs, highly anticipated by ten nations involved now. Here is how the draw that was unveiled by the African Confederation.
Ten qualified nations are placed in two different hats according to
the FIFA rankings for the month of September.
In the first hat we find, Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria and Cape Verde. The other hat is made of Cameroon, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Egypt. 

There will be two draws in reality, designate the first five games, and there will be a second team to designate who will receive first. Because contrary to what was expected, the seeded countries can receive the first leg. This means concretely that countries first hat are not protected, and we could see for example Algeria host Egypt in early October, and the fennec move in November in Egypt. it promises! 

The matches will be played go from 11 to 15 October and the return of 15 to 19 November games. 


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